Top 6 Systems and Tools Manufacturers Need in 2022

In 2022, the manufacturing sector is experiencing a major revolution where efficiency is more important than ever as competition increases.

Proper use of lean manufacturing principles and supporting tools is absolutely necessary when working with increasingly globalized supply chains. Adding to this, consumers and businesses alike have been impacted by the rippling effects that COVID has had on the manufacturing industry, which is gradually climbing back to the status quo.

More than ever, manufacturers need tools to carry through the manufacturing process efficiently in order to maintain healthy profit margins and adapt quickly to market changes. In this post, we will discuss 6 tools that would aid manufacturing process management. Some of these include the application of lean manufacturing principles that can be used alongside other manufacturing tools and software.

Picture 1 of Top 6 Systems and Tools Manufacturers Need in 2022Picture 1 of Top 6 Systems and Tools Manufacturers Need in 2022


Andon is a tool or system used by companies to notify maintenance, managers, and other workers of problems that could arise related to the quality or process of manufacturing a product.

Andon functions like a "check engine light" on a car that alerts the car owners to potential problems via the dashboard. Andon as a working system initially involves a worker pulling the Andon cord when a problem is noticed in the manufacturing process, and this would set off an alarm that would alert the appropriate quarters to the problem found. The system can now be automatically triggered by equipment when a problem is detected, eliminating the need for a cord to turn it on.

It started as a part of the Japanese Jidoka system and can be traced to the Japanese root word paper lantern. It helps to give real-time feedback on issues that may occur during the manufacturing process.

Just In Time

Just In Time, or JIT, is a lean manufacturing tool that emphasizes getting an order before manufacturing that product. Using this tool, your goal would be to create products according to request rather than stockpiling products in your warehouse. JIT in manufacturing assists companies in reducing the amount of unpredictability in their processes, which enables them to boost their productivity while also cutting their expenses.

The JIT process can be traced to the post world war period. Due to the effects of the war, Japan did not have the resources to mass produce or finance large inventory production methods employed by other countries. The end goal of JIT is to limit waste and altogether avoid waste linked to overproduction, excess inventory, and waiting.


Katana is a manufacturing ERP platform that gives businesses on-demand visibility on all manufacturing processes, leading to accurate production planning and resource scheduling.The system enables smart production through real-time monitoring and the automation of repetitive processes.

This includes a real-time master planner that automatically fills open orders with available finished goods and raw materials, as well as systems for calculating production costs and forecasting delivery timeframes. It can also automate supervising operational progress and sustaining priority-based production management.

APS software

The Advanced Planning and Scheduling software compiles complex production data and uses mathematical modeling to offer profitable production plans. Production managers can use these technologies' forecasts and data visualizations to guide their decisions.

The APS software is ideal for organizations that must adapt their production schedules, inventory plans, and priority lists regularly.

APS Systems can become integrated with any MRP or ERP software that is currently available. The goal of the unification is to make up for the deficiencies in scheduling, accuracy, flexibility, and efficiency shared by both of the existing systems.


Proshop is a tool that increases the efficiency and execution of the manufacturing process. Proshop is a tool that can be used directly in the manufacturing process to give results that other ERPs would not be able to achieve.

Proshop creates a digital manufacturing ecosystem that combines the features of ERP software, quality management, a manufacturing execution system, and computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) to provide a 360-degree view of your shop's performance.

Proshop does not offer a mobile app but can be accessed via a web browser, either via a mobile device or a desktop. It can be accessed from any location, and its site is responsive.


ERPAG is a cloud-based ERP solution designed for small and medium-sized businesses. It has tools for managing sales, purchasing, production, inventory, accounting, and financials.

The ERP system provides users with functions such as ordering, receiving, and delivering goods.

With a fully integrated work environment connected to a single database, the application assists organizations in achieving greater visibility across their production processes by connecting various areas of operation. ERPAG's cloud-based design reduces implementation time for users. A web browser and an internet-connected device are all you need to run the software. ERPAG also integrates with Google Drive, Calendar, Magento, etc.


These tools can help make the entire manufacturing process smooth and effective. In 2022, cutting costs and maximizing profit is a crucial goal of many businesses, and these tools would help achieve these.

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