What is a can? Understand how to be right

So what is the meaning of cans, is it really as ugly as many people think. Please refer to the article below to find out the meaning of this word.

Vietnamese Vietnamese is very rich and diverse, this not only makes foreigners but even Vietnamese people sometimes feel awkward when using the word because it has so many meanings.

There are many words you will encounter in life, in the article below we will take the example of a word "can" a word sometimes will make many people think this is a dirty word. Please refer to the article below to find out the meaning of this word.

In Vietnamese, the word "can" has many meanings. Cans are words that people often use when talking about metal round things like cans of milk, beer cans, soft drinks, these items are often used to measure or scoop rice, beans . in the family. . In some northern provinces, cans are synonymous with avocados, cows and pipes in local dialects in each region. For example today cook 2 rice cows.

Picture 1 of What is a can? Understand how to be right

In particular, in some places from ancient times can also be used instead of mortar pestle used for peanuts, crabs, shrimp to cook soup daily instead of a mortar pestle.

Besides cans with the usual way of calling, the word "can" also means badges, rankings - of the military some countries including Vietnam.

Picture 2 of What is a can? Understand how to be right

For example:

Major 1 gold can and 1 golden star on red background

Captain 3 gold cans on red background

Lieutenant 2 gold cans on red background

2nd Lieutenant gold can on red background

Thus, "lon" is a long-lived item in folk life and is reflected in the dictionary as a separate noun, identifying a specific thing existing in the present life. in.

Picture 3 of What is a can? Understand how to be right

Hopefully with the above explanation, readers can understand what 'cans' mean and and know how to use them in accordance with the context.

Update 02 July 2019


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