Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans

If you have milk cans, paint cans already used, do not throw them in the trash, make use of them to make beautiful Mid-Autumn lanterns. Imagine you have a lantern decorated on your own, even if you have your name engraved on it, it will be very unique and interesting.

If you have milk cans, paint cans already used, do not throw them in the trash, make use of them to make beautiful Mid-Autumn lanterns. Imagine you have a lantern decorated on your own, even if you have your name engraved on it, it will be very unique and interesting. Just have all the tools and follow these steps, no matter how clumsy you can, you can make a lantern from old cans shimmering for the coming Mid-Autumn Festival.


  1. Paint cans or cans
  2. A little sand
  3. Hammer, nail
  4. Candle
  5. Wire
  6. paint

How to make Mid-Autumn lanterns from cans

Step 1:

You need to peel off the brand logo on the can, clean, dry and then fill it with sand and water, then freeze the fridge until it freezes.

This step makes it easy to create decorative shapes for lanterns.

Step 2:

Use nails and hammer to create small holes on the body of the can in the desired shape to decorate. You can draw on the cans or be more careful, draw on paper, stick it to the body of the can and then chisel it along the line.

Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 1Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 1
Using nails and hammers to punch small holes in cans to decorate Mid-Autumn lanterns (Photo: Internet source)

The more holes there are, the more the candles will come out, making your lanterns more sparkling.

Besides decorative pictures, you can engrave on your name and friends. If you wear a lantern, they will be surprised to see your name sparkling in the candlelight.

Step 3:

Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 2Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 2
Punch 2 symmetrical holes on the can to make lantern straps (Photo: Internet Source)

Continue to punch two symmetrical holes on the body of the can to thread the steel wire into the handle of the lantern. If the can is not opened, use a hammer to completely remove the lid.

Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 3Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 3
Removing milk cans to complete lanterns (Photo: Internet source)

When you are finished, the cans also thaw, pouring sand and water in the can and rinse.

Step 4:

Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 4Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 4
Thread steel wire into cans to make straps for Mid-Autumn lanterns (Photo: Internet source)

Take a piece of medium length steel wire, bend the 2 ends and then hook into 2 holes in the body of the can you just chiseled. If you want, you can attach a bamboo stick or a stick to this steel strap so that you can carry the lantern.

Step 5:

Use the paint you like, spray it on the can or use water color to create creative drawings for the lantern.

Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 5Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 5
Spray paint on cans to decorate lanterns (Photo: Internet source)

The last step is to put the candle in the can. So you have finished the beautiful lantern in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 6Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 6
Take advantage of many different cans to make Mid-Autumn lanterns (Photo: Internet source)

With this lantern, you won't have to worry about the wind blowing off candles or candles that burn down lanterns like other paper lamps.

Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 7Instructions for making Mid-Autumn lanterns from old cans Picture 7
Sparkling Mid-Autumn lanterns made from cans (Photo: Internet source)

You can take advantage of any milk cans, paint cans, tin or iron cans, not necessarily the same size and shape, the same variety makes your lantern collection Much richer.

Good luck!

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