What do you understand about computer architecture?

To check your knowledge, the following article Network Administrator will send you a very interesting set of questions on this topic. Hope they will help you accumulate more useful knowledge.

Are you confident about computer knowledge that you have been learning and doing for a long time? To check your knowledge, the following article Network Administrator will send you a very interesting set of questions on this topic. Hope they will help you accumulate more useful knowledge.

Question 1 : In architecture processing 4 bits. What does the MBR register do?

A: Read data from memory cells in memory.
B: Write data to memory.
C: Read the memory address in memory.
D: Signal read data from a memory cell in memory.

Question 2 : In architecture processing 4 bits. What does MAR register do?

A: Read the memory address in memory
B: Write data to memory.
C: Read data from memory cells in memory.
D: Signal read data from a memory cell in memory.

Question 3 : BUS types used in digital input / output architecture are:

A: All 3 types of BUS: Data, address, control
B: BUS address
C: BUS controls
D: .BUS data.

Question 4 : What type of BUS is responsible for controlling data read / write signals between microprocessor chip and memory:

A: BUS controls.
B: BUS address.
C: BUS data
D: BUS address and BUS controller.

Question 5 : Which BUS type is responsible for reading / writing data between microprocessor chip and memory:

A: BUS data.
B: BUS address.
C: BUS controls.
D: BUS address and BUS controller.

Question 6 : In computer architecture 4 bits. Which block does the command cursor task.

A: ID block
B: MBR block
C: MAR block
D: CU block

Question 7 : In 16 bits processor architecture. Which pair of registers manages STACK operation

B: CS: IP.

Question 8 : In 16 bits processor architecture. What is the SP register doing?

A: Point to the top of STACK.
B: Point to the bottom of STACK.
C: Point to the cursor address.
D: Point to the OFFSET address of the command.

Question 9 : In 16 bits processor architecture. What does the IP register do?

A: Point to the OFFSET address of the command.
B: Point to the bottom of STACK.
C: Point to the cursor address.
D: Point to the top of STACK.

Question 10 : In 16 bits processing architecture. What does the CS: IP register pair do?

A: Point to the SEGMENT address of the cell in the command.
B: Point to the OFFSET address of the command.
C: Point to the SEGMENT address of the cell in the data segment.
D: Point to the OFFSET address of the data segment.


1. A

2 A

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. A


10. A

See more:

  1. 4 simple ways to check the configuration and hardware information of computers and laptops
  2. Using a computer for a long time, do you know the meaning of these keys?
  3. How to help you practice typing your computer keyboard with 10 fingers
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Update 24 May 2019


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