Test your knowledge about computers
In the following article, join the Network Administrator to challenge your understanding of computers, a familiar device in today's modern life. The multiple choice questions below are extremely simple and interesting to help you gain more useful knowledge about this issue. Let's start.
Question 1 : What is the Start / Shut down command used for?
A. Turn off the computer
B. Restart the computer
C. Turn off the screen
D. Switch to power saving mode
Question 2 : How many ways to exit an application program in Windows 7 operating system?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Question 3 : When starting the computer, which of the following software will be performed first?
A. Operating system
B. Vietnamese typing software
C. Micrsoft Office software
D. Program to kill computer viruses
Question 4 : To turn off the computer properly, we choose?
A. Turn off the power
B. Click the Start button in the lower left corner of the desktop, select Shutdown
C. Press the Power button on the box
D. Press the Reset button on the box
Question 5 : Which of the following computer shutdown procedures ensures safety for programs and data?
A. Write data to disk, close program files, Select Start / Shut down button
B. Close program files, write data to disk, Shutdown Windows
C. Close the program files, Shutdown Windows, turn off the power switch
D. There is no right answer
Question 6 : In Windows 7, to safely disconnect a USB drive, which of the following is possible?
A. Right-click on the USB icon in the right corner of the screen, select the device to remove and select Eject
B. Close all running programs
C. Restart Windows OS
D. There is no right answer
Question 7 : To set the screen break mode (Screen Saver) in Windows 7, which of the following tools is used in Control Panel?
A. Taskbar and Start Menu
B. Device Manager
C. Display
D. There is no right answer
Question 8 : To restart the computer, the following statement is wrong
A. Press Ctrl - Alt - Del, select Restart
B. From the desktop screen window press the Start button - Shutdown, then select Restart item
C. Press the Reset button on the box
D. Press the Power button on the box
Question 9 : In Windows 7 Control Panel, to change the login and logout methods, which of the following is possible?
A. Select User Accounts, choose Change the way users log on or off
B. Select System, choose Change the way users log on or off
C. Select Windows Firewall, check On or Off
D. There is no right answer
Question 10 : In Windows 7 operating system, when the user wants to leave the computer, can any of the following methods be used to lock the computer temporarily?
A. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del, select Lock This Computer
B. Press Ctrl + L, select Lock Computer
C. Press Alt + L, select Lock Computer
D. Press the Power button
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. A
See more:
- Fix USB errors that cannot copy files larger than 4GB
- 7 ways to fix, fix 'Write Protection' error on USB
- How to fix the situation when the laptop does not power off completely
- 4 steps to troubleshoot audio loss in Windows
- Headphone, earphones are shy, noisy, hard to hear and how to fix them?
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