Warning: Australia's dangerous strain of gastritis can spread the world 2-7 months later

The Australian medical community has just warned about a virus strain that promises to make the 'bad story' for the world in the near future.

The Australian medical community has just warned about a virus strain that promises to make the "bad story" for the world in the near future.

This is a warning from researchers in the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Royal Hospital of Melbourne about a virus called norovirus . The virus often causes gastritis and nausea, vomiting and diarrhea for people in Victoria during the past 18 months.

According to Mike Catton, the virus was discovered in August 2015 and now it has shown signs of mutation, extremely dangerous antibiotic resistance .

Picture 1 of Warning: Australia's dangerous strain of gastritis can spread the world 2-7 months later
Photo source: Internet.

In addition, the medical community also found mutant versions of the new gene on this virus strain between June 2016 and August 2016 and predicted that this colitis virus strain will continue to mutate in 2017 and can spread across other regions and continents around the world from 2 to 7 months later, it can even become a pandemic.

These types of transmission are temporary including close contact with infected people, vomiting patients, vomiting, sick people . And children under 5 years of age and the elderly are at risk of infection. highest infection.

Huynh Dung ( According to News.xinhuanet)

Update 24 May 2019


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