To send an attachment via Google Drive , click on the Google Drive icon (as shown above) and select the file you want to send. Gmail will check if the recipient has access to the file, if they don't open it, Gmail will prompt you to change the sharing settings without leaving Gmail.
It's easy to accumulate thousands of emails and sometimes finding an email can drive you crazy. However, Google has created advanced search access to help users quickly find the email they need to find.
For example, users can search by file size, just type ' size: 5m' to find an email with 5MB capacity or search by time . When typing search 'older_than: 1y' you want to Search for emails sent more than a year ago.
Top 5 tips most effective when using Gmail Picture 4
This is a feature that allows users to add an email list in the mailbox that appears at the same time to make it easier to see.
To enable this feature, go to the Settings page by clicking on the gear icon , then select 'Labs', find the " Add multiple inboxes " section and click 'Enable ', then click 'Save changes ' to save selected settings changes. When returning to Gmail, the page will be refreshed displaying the inbox, drafts, etc. on the same page.
Top 5 tips most effective when using Gmail Picture 5
To customize the mailboxes you see, go back to the Settings page and click on 'Multiple inboxes' . You can select 5 frames to complement the main mailbox window. Or you can also choose the number of mailboxes, the location of the displayed windows.