Top 10 Marvel superhero movies not in the highest rated MCU

Marvel has a great influence on the superhero genre, but what is the best non-MCU movie?

Currently, in the field of superhero movies, it can be said that Marvel has a huge advantage mainly thanks to the success of the Marvel movie universe. When Iron Man first appeared in 2008, no one would have thought that a nearly-unknown squad like the Guardians Of The Galaxy could become a golden goose for Disney.

Picture 1 of Top 10 Marvel superhero movies not in the highest rated MCU

However, Marvel not only invested in the MCU but also developed other universes under different eras and manufacturers. Many of the movies below have been considered classic examples for the superhero movie genre. So, let's take a look at ten movies that are not in the highest rated Marvel movie universe IMDb.

10. 7.3: Spider-Man 2

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 With a score of 7.3, Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2 was just enough to make the list. The classic film released in 2004 shows the battle between Spider-Man and Professor Octopus - played by Alfred Molina. One of the most famous superhero scenes is definitely when Peter saved the lost train and revealed his own identity.

Despite the out-of-date visual effects, Spider-Man 2 is a film that has a huge impact on the genre, with a deeper script of the main character and villain. Currently, this is also the film with the highest score in Tobey Maguire's trilogy.

9. 7.4: X-Men

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 With a rather barbaric budget, along with the questionable character design decisions that made comic book fans nervous about the quality of the first X-Men movie. However, a sure scenario, with the talented Australian actor Hugh Jackman's talented acting, made it a studio phenomenon, generating more than $ 200 million worldwide. First released in 2000 and scoring a score of 7.4, X-Men has overcome the test of time and still proves the core nature of a superhero movie.

At the same time, it also opened the longest-standing superhero monument in film history, with 12 movies in 20 years. With the X-Men being brought in by Disney to develop for the next project, it's only a matter of time before we can see the fusion between the two mutant universes and the MCU.

8. 7.4: X2: X-Men United

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Similar to X-Men on IMDb, X2: X-Men United was developed based on the previous movie and showed fans what they wanted. We see how Professor X's students use their powers against the army's elite soldiers, the crazy "wolf-turning" Wolverine, and the reluctant combination of heroes. with our Magneto in order to save Professor X and prevent the extinction of mutants on Earth. If X-Men (2000) is a light appetizer, then X2: X-Men United is a main meal with all the elements from character development to spectacular action scenes.

7. 7.7 X-Men: First Class

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 After the third X-Men movie - X-Men: The Last Stand - 20th Century Fox decided to go back in time and learn more about the origins of Professor X and Magneto. With a fresh cast and set in the 60s of the last century, X-Men: First Class shows a top-notch Xavier image, a Magneto full of hatred and profound development of the character Mystique. .

X-Men: First Class regrouped the first mutant squad, and showed their role in the Cuban missile crisis at the time. While this is not a studio phenomenon, critics and fans all feel pleasing to the eye and have been like a small reset button to develop the next 8 movies in this series.

6. 7.7 Deadpool 2

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 The same point with X-Men: First Class is Deadpool 2 - a continuation film about comedic antagonist, played by talented actor Ryan Reynolds. Thanks to his charisma, Ryan Reynolds has earned more than $ 1.5 billion with just two films about a character who was born to ridicule DC. While the first film had a relatively modest cast, this part expanded to include characters like Cable, Domino and Juggernaut. Even the entire X-Men cast was given a small cameo at the School for Professor X's special ability.

With Disney owning Deadpool, fans are all looking forward to a great development for their favorite series. Even Ryan and the Marvel executives all wanted to develop the third installment for Deadpool.

5. 7.8: Big Hero 6

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 For some reason, Big Hero 6 is always forgotten when we mention a Marvel superhero movie - even with a score of 7.8 and earned Disney $ 657 million from the studio. Perhaps in part because this is an animated film based on a comic series that is not as attractive as superhero teams like Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy.

Although not mentioned as much as before, this film is also the premise for a TV show that is still being developed until now, with characters also appearing in other forms of media culture such as games. Electronic Kingdom Hearts III and Disney Infinity.

4. 8.0: Deadpool

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 At the start of the Deadpool project, executives at studio 20th Century Fox did not expect a superhero film rated at R level to create such a huge buzz. While the Blade trilogy shows a successful angle in that genre - the most profitable film only earned $ 155 million. Even those who went to see Blade did not know that it was a superhero movie! Other examples like Punisher: War Zone are studio disasters. Naturally, thanks to the combination of actor Ryan Reynolds and Fox writers, they have pushed Deadpool to a new level for R-level films - a huge financial and artistic success.

3. 8.0: X-Men: Days Of Future Past

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 Fox's second highest movie in the X-Men universe is X-Men: Days Of Future Past with a score of 8.0, transforming one of the best events in the comic and bringing Hugh Jackman's "Wolverine" back too. past with the help of Kitty Pride.

X-Men: Days Of Future Past also followed the previously developed storylines for the stars James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawerence and combined with actors such as Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart - a perfect connection between the past and the future.

2. 8.1: Logan

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While Deadpool is an example of financial success for the R-level superhero genre, Logan shows that an artistic vision is enough to be nominated for an Oscar. In this case, Logan was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay - the first superhero film to be nominated in the script category.

With a score of 8.1, Logan is the highest rated X-Men movie at IMDb. For Hugh Jackman, this is also the last time the Australian actor plays the "Wolverine" - the role that has brought him to a new level - as well as veteran actor Patrick Stewart, who plays Professor X with Hugh since the first X-Men movie.

1. 8.4: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

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 While Logan was nominated for an Oscar, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse was more successful when he snatched back Sony with the award for Best Animation. This movie is designed as a lively comic book, making Miles Morales one of the most beloved Spiderman. Thanks to artistic decisions by producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller - the two people who helped develop 21 Jump Street and Lego Movie - Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse are currently the highest-scoring movies of Marvel that are not part of the MCU movie universe.


Update 10 May 2020


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