Tips for choosing good watermelon: experience from a long-time farmer

In addition to distinguishing whether the watermelon is ripe or not, you can also guess whether it is sweet and watery. Take a look at some of the tips below to choose a good watermelon.

Which of us would love to eat watermelon? Most people know that watermelon is a delicious and cool fruit. But we think that only experienced people can choose a juicy, juicy and juicy watermelon. However, that will not be true if you understand the tips below.

Look at the shell adjacent to the soil

Picture 1 of Tips for choosing good watermelon: experience from a long-time farmer

Yellow spots - called bruises - are watermelons that come into direct contact with the ground. Ripe watermelons often have yellow spots or even orange-yellow, not white.

Choose watermelons marked " bee magnets "

Picture 2 of Tips for choosing good watermelon: experience from a long-time farmer

The brown spots on the watermelon skin are caused by bees that sting on pollen many times. It means more pollination, the sweeter the watermelon.

Watermelon " male " and " female "

Picture 3 of Tips for choosing good watermelon: experience from a long-time farmer

Many people do not know that farmers also distinguish watermelons according to varieties. For example: " male " watermelon is bigger, has an elongated shape and lots of water, while a " female " watermelon is round and very sweet.

Pay attention to the size

Picture 4 of Tips for choosing good watermelon: experience from a long-time farmer

Ideally, you should not choose the biggest fruits or the smallest fruits. Choose medium sized fruits and note that when you are big or small, you must feel heavy and firm depending on the size.

Check the pickle

Picture 5 of Tips for choosing good watermelon: experience from a long-time farmer

The dried melon stem tells us that the watermelon is already cooked. Conversely, if the stem is green, it may be because the watermelon is picked too early and unripe.

Update 24 May 2019


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