The world's smallest fox

Fennec fox is the smallest fox in the world with a lovely appearance but extremely agile and can live in harsh conditions.

Fennec fox is the smallest fox in the world with a lovely appearance but extremely agile and can live in harsh conditions.

Picture 1 of The world's smallest fox

The Fennec fox has a body length of 24 to 41cm, a tail length of 18-30cm, a height of about 20.3cm and weighs only 0.68 to 1.59kg.

Picture 2 of The world's smallest fox

Despite its small body, the Fennec fox is extremely agile and can jump amazingly high. They have extremely large ears about 10-15cm long that help it to accurately locate prey hidden deep under the desert sand. In addition, the large ears also help this little fox reduce the heat of the desert.


Picture 3 of The world's smallest fox

The Fennec fox lives in a very harsh desert environment with constantly changing temperatures. To adapt, the Fennec fox's coat is very thick to help keep them warm at night. The fur on the fox's paws is also very thick, allowing it to move more easily on hot sand.

Picture 4 of The world's smallest fox

Fennec foxes do not drink water, they get water from leaves, tubers, fruits and even their prey.

Picture 5 of The world's smallest fox


To avoid the excruciating heat of the desert during the day, the Fennec fox, like many other desert animals, prefers nocturnal activity. During the day, the Fennec fox sleeps to gain energy for the night hunting and playing.

Picture 6 of The world's smallest fox

Fennec fox is very faithful to monogamy. When the Fennec fox is pregnant and raising young, the male will be in charge of pampering, protecting and feeding the family. Each year, female foxes give birth to about 2 to 5 cubs. Fennec foxes are highly social, living in groups of about 10 members.

Update 24 July 2023


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