The world's most powerful radar system, tracking multiple targets at a range of up to 3,500 km

Chinese scientists are developing a powerful new radar system capable of tracking multiple targets at a range of up to 3,500 km, equivalent to the distance from China to Guam (US).

Scientists say that with the new radar system, warships will be able to detect ballistic missiles from a remarkable distance of up to 4,500 km (2,800 miles).

Picture 1 of The world's most powerful radar system, tracking multiple targets at a range of up to 3,500 km

The new generation of active phased array radars incorporates 'tens of thousands' of transceivers. Each transceiver in the system can act as an independent radar, sending and receiving signals. When combined, they create a super-powerful electromagnetic pulse signal reaching an intensity of up to 30 megawatts, a level that can significantly disrupt or disable the electronic systems currently equipped on any naval warship.

Installing a 30-megawatt radar on a warship was previously considered science fiction because of the challenges of scale and power supply. For example, the 32-megawatt AN/FPS-85 radar in Florida required an area of ​​more than 250,000 square feet.

But the development of technology and the application of 5G have significantly reduced the size of the radar. However, power supply is still a big challenge. To overcome these problems and protect other electronic equipment on board, the researchers have to separate the radar from the ship's power grid and use large capacitors as buffers to significantly reduce the electric shocks generated by the radar during operation.

The entire power supply system, including capacitors and other components, weighs about more than 1 ton, compact enough to be installed on a ship.

Update 13 September 2024


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