The whole world is trying to make money for Mark Zuckerberg

With the current development momentum, Facebook boss will soon usurp many rich billionaires to become the richest people on the planet. It is worth mentioning that we are invisible to make that process faster.

With the current development momentum, Facebook boss will soon usurp many rich billionaires to become the richest people on the planet. It is worth mentioning that we are invisible to make that process faster.

Picture 1 of The whole world is trying to make money for Mark Zuckerberg

Particularly on 24/7, Mark Zuckerberg's assets increased by nearly $ 2 billion after the company's shares hit a record of $ 76 per share. Meanwhile, at this time last year, this number was only 34 USD. Earlier, Facebook also announced "terrible" business profits in the second quarter of 2014.

Picture 2 of The whole world is trying to make money for Mark Zuckerberg

The chart depicts the stock price of Facebook surged in the week from July 22 to July 25, 2014.

Currently, Facebook's total assets reach $ 33.3 billion, surpassing both Google's co-founders Sergey Brin (40) and Larry Page ( 41 ) as well as Amazon Jeff Bezos boss. (50 years old) . Thus, Zuckerberg is ranked 16th in the list of the world's leading billionaires of Bloomberg magazine.

In addition, CEO Zuckerberg currently holds 22% of Facebook's shares, more than any of the billionaires mentioned above with the same rate at their company.

Facebook currently has more stock market value than Amazon, experts say that in the near future it will "surpass" Google with the current value of $ 400 billion.

If that prediction comes true, with 22% of the shares, Zuckerberg's assets will rise to 88 billion USD, surpassing the world's number one billionaire, Bill Gates .

Undeniably, Facebook is Zuckerberg's main money-making machine . Thus, with a statistic of 2.2 billion people using the application, social network of this company, meaning that one third of the world population is helping make money for Mark .

It is worth mentioning that, people tend to be more dependent on social networks, even 'addicted' and inseparable from social networks, especially Facebook.

The evidence is that statistics show that every day 12 billion messages are sent via Facebook, while the world population is only 7 billion. And yet, every month, 1 billion people use Facebook via mobile devices .

Therefore, it can be affirmed that if Facebook continues to grow like the current, CEO Mark Zuckerberg will soon usurp many billionaires to become the richest people on the planet.

Even, even if the threat of people moving from online to computers to mobile devices, Facebook can still make a profit with the business of mobile applications and mobile advertising. .

As evidenced by the report on business results in the second quarter of 2014, Facebook's revenue reached USD 2.91 billion, of which mobile advertising accounted for 62%.

Update 25 May 2019


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