The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

The area where flying objects are not identified 300 times per year, the location has the same terrain as Mars, the region with the same scenery as the Moon, ... are the most mysterious places on Earth. There are special features or mysterious phenomena related to extraterrestrials that attract the attention of many people.

The area where flying objects are not identified 300 times per year, the location has the same terrain as Mars, the region with the same scenery as the Moon, . are the most mysterious places on Earth. There are special features or mysterious phenomena related to extraterrestrials that attract the attention of many people.

  1. Mysterious ancient coins print "alien" pictures
  2. Decipher the mysterious evidence of an alien encounter at Roswell in 1947

Sochi, Russia

Picture 1 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

Sochi is a remote mountainous area east of Moscow, Russia. This land has happened many strange phenomena. People here have seen strange light trails at night. Even, some people claim, they used to encounter aliens.

Idaho, United States

Picture 2 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

While waiting for scientists to find a way to get people traveling on the Moon, you can visit the Craters at the Moon National Monument & Preserve National Reserve in Idaho (USA). The reserve looks like a sight on the Moon created by the displacement of the Earth's surface 30 million years ago.

Roswell, New Mexico, USA

Picture 3 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

In 1947, fragments of a strange object believed to be an alien flying saucer were found at an air base near this small town that caused a stir. People here say they constantly see strange unknown objects and strange creatures.

Picture 4 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

Every year, in this town, people also organize a 4-day festival to honor what is not Earth, including the contest to become the most beautiful alien.

Atacama Desert, Chile

Picture 5 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

The world's most arid desert in northern Chile is full of sand and red rocks that look like a scene on Mars. Although there are 965 km wide, there is no significant rainfall from 1570 to 1971 in the Atacama Desert. The average rainfall is only about 1mm / year but there are still one million inhabitants living here.

Picture 6 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

The Atacama Desert is the site of NASA's choice to implement the ALMA project, the world's largest astronomical project with a combination of Europe, North America, and East Asia in search of stars with signs of life.

Poirino, Italy

Picture 7 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

Picture 8 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

On the rice fields in a countryside in Torino, Piedmont, Northern Italy, strange circles, beautifully arranged, look like a trail of aliens left.

Nullarbor Plain, Australia

Picture 9 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

The arid region in southern Australia is considered to be the Australian Aboriginal pilgrimage and nomadic tribes thousands of years ago.

In the 1950s, the British army used to test atomic bombs here, so few people dared to cross the area. However, many people believe that this wilderness is inhabited by extraterrestrials. Drivers said they had seen unidentified flying objects and had been kidnapped by aliens when passing through the area.

Rio Tinto, Spain

Picture 10 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

The river is brightly colored in the southwest of Spain as a result of pollution in heavy metal and acid mining. This river water is extremely dangerous to humans, but scientists believe that the bacteria in the river are similar to the form of life they hope to find on Mars.

Bonnybridge, Scotland

Picture 11 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

Never seen anything strange flying in the sky, you can go to Bonnybridge, Scotland to try your luck. This is considered the place to recognize the most strange flying objects on Earth, with about 300 times a year.

Etosha Pan, Namibia

Picture 12 of The mysterious places on Earth involve aliens

Ethereal Etosha National Park is considered a piece of Saturn because it is very similar to Ontario Lacus, the largest hydrocarbon lake on Saturn's Titan moon. Both places are flat land with sediment traces left by evaporation.

Update 24 May 2019


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