The largest rock was excavated in South India

A huge rock and a series of other interesting archaeological relics have just been found in South India receiving the interest of archaeologists.

A huge rock and a series of other interesting archaeological relics have just been found in South India receiving the interest of archaeologists.

Accordingly, excavations were conducted in the village of Nemeretta after discovering Megalith tombs in the village of Pullur Banda near Siddipet in southern India.

In the Neremetta monument archaeological site, a group of Indian nudity found a giant rock, estimated to weigh 40 tons, 6.7 meters long, 4 meters wide and 65 cm thick.

Picture 1 of The largest rock was excavated in South India

In addition, there are 50 Megalith archaeological sites buried in this area and divided into three main monuments including Menhir, Cairns and Dolmens.

In it, this giant stone is placed on a grave with the aim of protecting the tomb from invading enemies. Because it is possible that the ancient people believed that souls still existed after death and still needed protection. Around this rock also found many circle stones, megalithic rocks, many dolmens as well as some other dolmonoid cists .

Beneath the rock, people also found arm bones, three black and red porcelain pots, an iron tool found under the remains of a man. This Megalith landfill estimate may date from 1000 BC - 200 AD.

Excavation was started two weeks ago under the supervision of NR Visalatch, director of the Archeology Department and Telangana City Museum.

' We can confidently assert that this may be the largest archaeological rock found in South India and possibly one of the country's largest rocks. Of course, we cannot say it is the largest in the world because there are other archaeological rocks much larger . ' - D Ramulu Naik, Department's assistant manager told the Deccan Chronicle.

Picture 2 of The largest rock was excavated in South India

According to P Nagaraju, assistant manager, it took the archaeological team four hours to use a giant crane and summoned manpower from Hyderabad to lift that giant 40 ton rock.

When asked how the prehistoric man placed a giant stone on this ancient tomb, Mr. Nail explained: ' First, maybe they dug the grave close to the location of this giant rock, after They were able to roll this stone into the cap of the grave by moving round stones, round stones or round logs. And it does not exclude the possibility that they have actively dug the grave right under this huge rock '.

In addition, Mr. Nagaraju said there was another piece of arm bone, two centimeters long and three other bones, also found in an archaeological site nearby. The bones and other archeological artifacts will be sent to the Deccan College of Post Graduate Research in Pune to identify DNA as well as study more intensive issues for excavation.

Update 24 May 2019


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