Teach parents how to raise healthy, smart, scientific children

Parenting to become a docile, intelligent child is always a concern for parents. The Live Science news page has compiled reliable advice from leading experts in this field, to help parents make the best way to raise their children both physically and mentally. and spirit.

Parenting to become a docile, intelligent child is always a concern for parents. The Live Science news page has compiled reliable advice from leading experts in this field, to help parents make the best way to raise their children both physically and mentally. and spirit.

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Do not be "fool" height

Professor Sara Johnson, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said, whether children are older than their actual age or compared to their peers, parents need to remember that they are still children.

The developmental stage (puberty stage) of children usually lasts about 10 years, from 11 to 19 years old. This is considered an important time for children's brain development. Therefore, when children become adolescents, they are still in the development stage. So the attention and attention of parents is very important for children.

Always encourage shy children

According to the study, very shy children often have a high incidence of anxiety disorder.

Parents need a lot of patience to help their children to give up this bad habit of their children, not to make them change dramatically, which will make the situation worse.

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Learn to live close and connect with children

In life, adults are always busy with work, worried about the future. This is in contrast to children, especially children aged 2-5 years old, who only know what is going on.

So to be more familiar, understand and connect with children, parents need to learn to live more simply, talk about things close to life. Instead of talking to 2.3-year-old children about the future as far as going to school, making money, say simple things in daily life around them, guiding them to simple, suitable things. age for children to perform well.

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Help children name emotions

According to researchers, young children often do not know how to describe their emotions in their limited vocabulary. Children 2 - 5 years of age often only recognize and express some states such as fear, loss, fun, anger, etc. Therefore, parents should help them identify and name emotions. of them. After only a short time, you will be amazed by the vocabulary describing your child's rich emotions.

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Slow down with your child

Parents often get caught up in the "dizzying" spin of modern life, but children live more slowly. Therefore, to get along with children, parents should live "slowly" at least when at home. Just a very small daily task such as playing with children, reading stories for children before going to bed, or taking children to walk around the house can also create beautiful memories and meaning in their children, helping love The feeling between parents and children adds.

Spend full time with me

You should avoid touching your phone or computer while playing with your child. Children don't always need you to stay around or care 24/7 but when you spend time with them, you should be wholeheartedly devoted to your children so they can feel their importance to their parents.

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Always show respect

Children learn very quickly and always imitate the words and actions of adults, especially parents, so you want your child to be a good child, always respect others, you must be an example for children. In your daily sayings, include the words "thank you" and "please" along with the proper behavior and respect for everyone to follow.

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Remember, your baby's emotional triggers are real

Parents often forget that adolescents in puberty face many emotional problems, complex social relationships that they do not have enough ability and experience to deal with. This makes them prone to nervous stress, leading to an outrageous emotion even though it is normally a good child.

At this time, parents need to calm down, listen to their children and talk to help their children to solve their problems instead of angrily shouting or hitting them. This only makes things worse.

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Golden rule

This principle is very simple but not all parents can comply: Don't scold me! This only makes them behave in a more negative way.

Creating close, close relationships with children is the most basic principle of being a good parent to your children. When children realize that their needs will be heard and responded accordingly, they will find their first parents when they encounter difficulties in life to share.

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Too strict is not always good

According to the study, children whose parents are too strict, too tightly controlled can suffer many negative consequences that adversely affect physical health and risk of high obesity.

Specifically, children between the ages of 2-5 years who have their parents put strict limits on their activities often show less emotion and communicate with others. In addition, those children have a 30% higher risk of obesity than children whose parents are close to their children.

Fathers should actively participate in parenting

Children need attention and care of both parents. In some respects, the father has a stronger influence on the child than the mother. According to the study, fathers will help their children learn to control emotions and the body better, so they are less likely to become victims of violence.

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Take control

In society there are too many pitfalls and temptations that make it easy for children to fall into bad ways. Parents need to control their children with a friendly attitude rather than being too strict to prevent their children from getting into social evils.

There is no need to explain everything

It is important for parents to communicate with their children, but we do not need to explain our decision to them all the time. Discuss and explain to your child the really important issues, but the simple things like what you eat tonight, you just need to say it briefly or simply don't need to say anything.

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Encourage your child's friendship

Besides family, friends are close people who play an important role in the development of children's social and communication skills. Therefore, parents should encourage children to be friends but also need to consider whether your child's friends have a good influence on your child or in other words parents need to help your child "choose friends to play".

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Always positive

Negative emotions of parents with children will have a negative effect on their personality. This makes it easy for children to become a negative adult. Try to change if you find yourself always in a grumpy state, yelling at your child to help your child not be infected with that badness.

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Know how to play with children

Through games, children will gradually form creative thoughts, control stress and learn how to make friends. Therefore, parents should play with and help guide children's intellect. In addition, parents can play characters in a specific situation to help children have more life experiences.

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Teach me about compassion

According to the researchers, this is an extremely important life skill to help people stay stable before all difficulties in life. Teach your children to share and sympathize with the pain of others.

Learn how to let go, let children be independent

Let your child do it and complete what they need and want to do as long as there are no consequences. Parents only need to stay by the side to observe and help when they ask. This helps children to gradually develop a habit of independence, although stumbling is unavoidable but thanks to this, children will learn to not go forward and grow more.

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Pay attention to your own mental health

Having a good spirit, new parents can have good parenting. Research shows that depressed mothers often have difficulty in raising their children, even adversely affecting them. Therefore, if you suspect you may be depressed, you should seek medical care early for treatment for the benefit of both you and your child.

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She should be closer to her son

According to the study, close relationships with mothers can help prevent behavioral problems in men and make their future emotional relationships better.

Don't be too perfectionist with yourself

Setting too high a goal in parenting puts you under pressure. If you do not achieve your goal, it will cause frustration and make you not confident in your ability to raise children.

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Most importantly, understand your child

Almost everyone thinks that they are the best way to raise their children and often impose their thoughts on their children. But there is the fact that children with rigid parents often experience more psychological and emotional problems than other children. They need to listen, understand and help their own parents, but parents do not realize it to solve problems with their children. Parents should learn to listen and understand their children's thoughts and desires so that they can adjust the way they teach their children and bring them the best.

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Update 24 May 2019


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