Summary and comment: The most at MWC 2019

MWC 2019 Global Mobile Exhibition has officially closed ...

MWC 2019 Global Mobile Exhibition has officially closed, not knowing what you have noticed, but in my personal opinion, the smartphone world seems to be very different, containing elements groundbreaking in 2019, compared to previous years, which was quite boring. Instead of seeing changes and improvements in the style of 'new wine old bottles', silly comparisons see what 'rabbit ears', 'buffalo ears' or 'cat ears', and spend time arguing about The boring iPhone 'copies', at MWC 2019, can be said we have seen some really innovative and unique enhancements.

Sony has turned its phone into a "air conditioner" with a 21: 9 aspect ratio, Nokia has challenged the potential of mobile photography with a 5-sensor camera cluster, Huawei and Samsung have launched The phone screen folds the first commercial version, Energizer brings a shiny 'brick' event with an 18,000mAh battery, or the fact that Nubia has bent their phones around users' wrists . and also dozens of other interesting products, what more would you expect from one of the world's largest technology events?

Picture 1 of Summary and comment: The most at MWC 2019

Whether all these tests can turn into great products, bring success to the producers, this will be decided by the market, but the general impetus in exploring boundaries of smartphone design with something called 'future products' is more pronounced than ever, and promises to create a more exciting race in the smartphone world.

Below is our small summary of the device that deserves the crown for the ruler in its segment at MWC Global Mobile Exhibition 2019, Barcelona this year.

  1. The best technology products that are present at MWC 2019

Mobile World Congress 2019

  1. Phone the most amazing folding screen: Huawei Mate X
  2. 5G phone is the most appreciated: Xiaomi Mimix 3 5G
  3. Smartphone with the best design: LG G8 Red Edition
  4. The best popular phone: Punkt MP02
  5. The most spectacular 'trick': '5G is ready'
  6. Smartphone owns the most impressive screen: LG V50 with dual screen
  7. Smartphone owns the most cameras: Nokia 9 Pureview
  8. Smartphone the worst battery pack owner: Energizer Power Max P18K Pop
  9. Smartphone owns the best optical zoom camera: Oppo 10x optical zoom
  10. Smartphone brings the worst experience: Nubia Alpha
  11. The product is most appreciated MWC 2019: Huawei Mate X

Phone the most amazing folding screen: Huawei Mate X

Picture 2 of Summary and comment: The most at MWC 2019

It's hard for any product to overcome the craze that Huawei Mate X created when it was officially launched at MWC this year. Even with the unfortunate leak of a day before the official announcement, this tablet hybrid phone still caught the attention of MWC with its ultra-slim, sleek design and extremely sexy screen. Huawei has smashed its doubts about the design as well as its finishing capabilities with a device that folds the screen without creating any gaps, and more importantly, the thickness is very reasonable, just 11mm when folded, 5.4mm when opened (tablet mode). Besides, with extremely good edge-to-edge benzel optimization and a three-sensor camera system that is integrated directly into the side grip, Mate X overall looks like a first draft but equally amazing. for the future of folding screen phones in particular and smartphone world in general.

At a price of 2,299 Euro and officially released around June, Mate X is a real high-end device and can make a difference not only in the smartphone market, but also in the laptop and tablet sectors. the second half of 2019. However, due to some sanctions that US officials have directed at Huawei in the past, it is likely that Mate X will not be sold in this market. That means the world's best folding screen phone will have to overcome a lot of barriers before it can reach fans around the world. However, one thing that we cannot deny is that the future of folding screen devices has really begun, if you love this technology, be prepared and of course, 'rice' From now on!

  1. 6 major challenges that folding screen phones need to overcome to prove they are not technology 'soon and dark'

5G phone is the most appreciated: Xiaomi Mimix 3 5G

Picture 3 of Summary and comment: The most at MWC 2019

There is a rather funny story at MWC this year, that is, the presentation of Xiaomi's product contains a lot of 'hotels' and is voted by many viewers as the most 'terrible' debut they have ever received. witnessed at MWC. However Xiaomi and his fans do not need to be bothered by this when Mi Mix 3 5G has been evaluated by many experts as the best 5G smartphone this year event.

In terms of hardware configuration, this smartphone has top specs, built around the latest Snapdragon 855 processor. As for the design, Mi Mix 3 5G has been optimized to the level of 'running out of water'. Those are a few notable highlights that we must give praise to Chinese manufacturers.

The addition of 5G makes Mi Mix 3 requires a more advanced cooling system, while maintaining a battery of up to 3,800mAh, while the overall size is not much different from Mi Mix 3 regular versions - a very praiseworthy thing of Xiaomi. In this regard, LG has done the same with the V50 ThinQ, enhancing the cooling capacity and battery capacity to meet the hardware requirements of the 5G connection.

Frankly, I do not encourage you to buy this smartphone only in exchange for the 5G connection at the present time, but that does not mean that this phone is not good. If I had to choose the best 5G smartphone right now, I would not hesitate to point my hand at the Mi Mix 3 5G, simply because it is a device with beautiful design, top specifications, and importantly the price is extremely reasonable, only about 13-14 million VND.

  1. Xiaomi officially announced the first images of the Mi 9 Explorer smartphone with a "transparent" back.

Smartphone with the best design: LG G8 Red Edition

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Whether you love or hate LG, you may still have to admit that LG G8 ThinQ is a pretty good phone, especially in the red version. Some people may complain that the G8 has not made much progress compared to its predecessor - G7 ThinQ, the phone itself is not a special breakthrough product - but some others disagree with this view. For a closer analysis, we will see that the G8 ThinQ has really been changed by LG and taken care of a lot. LG has introduced a new OLED panel on the 6.1-inch G8, incorporating Super Bright functionality, providing beautiful images in all different lighting situations and is proudly declared by the Korean manufacturer to be a screen. Best OLED in the world. Not only that, this screen is also integrated as a mini speaker, using vibrations from the back of the screen, instead of speakers to transmit sound, contributing to a sound system that many experts Still considered No. 1 in the mobile world at the present time.

Going into deeper analysis, we will see that LG G8 ThinQ has many highlights compared to its predecessor G7. It has a dedicated virtual assistant button Google Assistant on the left with a glass and metal structure, the dual camera is aligned horizontally and covered on top by Gorilla Glass glass 6. Only the flash is slightly protruding Outside, however, the phone looks very elegant. There is also a fingerprint sensor underneath. Regarding the previous camera cluster, LG installed all G8 lenses and sensors under the same Gorilla Glass surface as the rest of the phone, giving the device a more polished and refined look. a lot of. It can be said that in addition to the smart phone function, LG G8 Red Edition is also a truly trendy 'technology jewelry'!

  1. LG: Still 'too early' for the blooming of foldable smartphones

The best popular phone: Punkt MP02

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It can be affirmed that no phone at MWC can match the basic and aesthetics better than the Punkt MP02. This black 'candy' can make voice calls, send text messages, alarms, and some other features. This is a popular phone, for those who want to get rid of a bulky, expensive device and always have to "take care" when using it.

The basic UI concept of the Punkt MP02 is to eliminate all the cumbersome indicators even for the basic elements like the signal strength or the remaining battery, with the idea that 'no indicator is displayed. Marketing means everything is okay.

At the interview between reporters and CEO of Punkt in the framework of MWC 2019, there was a pretty cool detail, that was when a reporter wondered if the Punkt, besides listening, calling and texting What else can MP02 do? The CEO did not hesitate to pull out his phone immediately, threw a "hit" on the floor, then picked it up, dusted off and dialed the phone number to tell his wife at home to say some gossip. Whether through the actual experiment is somewhat 'violent', Punkt's CEO also wants to tell us that in addition to the function of a popular phone, the Punkt MP02 can also act as a weapon. Damage in an emergency? No, I'm sure what he wants to mention here is the durability of this phone!

The MP02 punkt uses T9 keyboard. It's a great resurgence for the good days that have passed, and it can be seen that those who are "heavy" with popular phones that are still using some Nokia phones also seem to be tempted by the version. This $ 349 worth upgrade. But don't rush to look down, the Punkt MP02 even has 4G connectivity for VoLTE calls as well as Internet access. This is a universal phone but possesses perfect quality and price is not popular at all!

  1. Forget the folding screen phone, this is the smartphone you really need!

The most spectacular 'trick': '5G is ready'

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5G will definitely change our lives in a more meaningful and practical way than folding screen smartphones. This technology will create influence sooner and at the same time turn us into 'addicts' using mobile data. Yes, but that is the story of the future, not now, or at least at this MWC. Companies like Qualcomm are openly "lying" to people when they emphasize the words 5G here, today, on their MWC stands. Manufacturers seem to be pretending that they are ready for 5G, but in fact they admit that the technology is still "spoiled" for extensive deployment even though the hardware is completely ready.

Xiaomi has equipped 5G for its Mi Mix 3, Samsung has created a large Galaxy S10 to meet the space needed for 5G antennas, Motorola Moto Mod 5G is also a very well received device. much attention, and LG V50 is the product through which LG has openly frank about how successful they are in launching a 5G smartphone while deploying 5G networks of big carriers. in the United States or South Korea is still "tangled like chives".

Well, let's consider it a backup plan in the future. Just buy 5G phones if you want, just don't know exactly when you will experience this connection technology! At the present time, 5G still seems to be just a promise and not a reality.

  1. 5G smartphones will be released in 2019

Smartphone owns the most impressive screen: LG V50 with dual screen

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The fold-up screen phone may be the future of the smartphone world, but let's talk about the current one. At MWC, many experts have not complimented LG's praise for a pragmatic approach by launching the second screen as an optional accessory for V50 ThinQ. Instead of having to spend $ 2,000 or more to own a folding screen phone, LG will give buyers V50 the same experience as simply buying a second monitor and attaching it to your V50. The folio back cover with an integrated 6.2-inch screen will give the Korean manufacturer's upcoming debut phone a multitasking capability similar to a 7-inch folding screen smartphone, at a cost So much lower. Besides, LG's compatibility with the software is also taken care of very carefully on this product. In summary, equipped with a second model-based monitor is an extremely logical step for LG at the present time.

Smartphone owns the most cameras: Nokia 9 Pureview

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The difference of a smartphone compared to rivals through camera performance has become an extremely fierce competition in the smartphone world lately, because today's smartphones are as well as the ability to take pictures quite well. So some manufacturers' strategy in making a difference for themselves is to go to the 'extreme' threshold, and extremism is something we can find in HMD, the agency of Nokia brand, specifically on Nokia 9 Pureview

The new Nokia 9 has 5 cameras on the back, including 2 color sensors and 3 monochrome cameras. The designers of HMD did not want to perform some sort of boring column or row sensors, they arranged sensors and flash clusters in the form of beehives (or lotus depending on how they thought your statue), a 'unmatched' camera cluster design and this has made the standout for Nokia 9 Pureview ahead of its competitors. This device can completely become an iconic design from the brand that gives us Lumia 1020, Nokia N9 and many other memorable phones.

  1. HMD Global launched a new series of phones at MWC 2019, the most impressive being the super-5 smartphone camera

Smartphone the worst battery pack owner: Energizer Power Max P18K Pop

Picture 9 of Summary and comment: The most at MWC 2019

Has anyone ever told you that MWC is an event full of strange and sometimes even crazy in the smartphone world? It is interesting that that tradition will still be maintained at this year's event. As we all know, thin, light is the trend in the design philosophy of the majority of smartphones on the market in recent years, but Energizer's product decided to go against that trend. . What if you hold a phone that is 1 inch thick and heavy "like a brick"? Well, that sounds like a turnaround, bringing us back to the era of Nokia or Motorola in the 90s. But everything must have a reason for it. Energizer Power Max P18K pop is equipped with a battery of up to 18,000mAh, which promises to be a great time to use. If you are interested in this product, you can refer to the article "This is an 18,000mAh phone . No, the 18,000mAh spare battery is equipped with the same function as the phone!" Know some pretty "cool" information.

  1. Energizer is producing a phone with pop-up camera, 18,000mAh battery, foldable screen

Smartphone owns the best optical zoom camera: Oppo 10x optical zoom

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In fact, phone cameras can deliver great photo quality, with the exception of a few things that most brands cannot do well, which are night photography and zooming.

Going into the smartphone market a bit, we can see that this is gradually changing. Well, Google has overcome the disadvantages of mobile cameras when shooting last night with Night Vision, and at MWC 2019, Oppo tried his best to solve the remaining problem with zoom feature. with a smart system, like periscope. Actual testing on a prototype device shows that we can fully extend the optical zoom range from 16mm to 160mm (in 35mm equivalent terms), and it works as the manufacturer promised. .

Remember the Chinese tech giant has stunned those attending MWC a few years ago with its 5x super-powerful optical zoom camera system, and this year, the company has returned to the big mobile exhibition. most on the planet to show optical zoom technology even more hegemony, up to 10x. This is a major breakthrough for cameras on smartphones because it allows users to capture images at a distance and still ensure the image quality.

We will be able to know how good the image quality is when this device is sold with the commercial version, that is around June this year, let's wait and see what Oppo 10x optical zoom can do !

  1. Oppo 'chases' new folding screen smartphone, designed quite similar to Huawei Mate X

Smartphone brings the worst experience: Nubia Alpha

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An expert shared that he personally tested the Nubia Alpha at IFA last year, and after a few months of tweaking and improving, the device was brought to MWC by ZTE to launch the appropriate retail version. During that time, his feelings for the phone went from curiosity and slight skepticism to intense aversion. Looking closely, it seems that ZTE only uses the physical components needed to complete their device but nothing more than that. Alpha completely goes against this expert's expectations.

The smartphone is supposed to be able to wear around this wristlet in general, looking like an oversized bracelet, with a 4-inch screen, 960 x 192 resolution, a 5: 1 ratio. and thick, rough borders around. There is no reason to design such a long screen, and users also do not gain any benefit from this strange frame rate. This is a device that seems to exist only for the purpose of creating something new and different. Anyone who is considering whether to spend at least 449 Euros to own Nubia Alpha should probably spend some time thinking about Apple Watch, Withings Steel HR Sport or anything else that fits in comfort and size. First wrist ruler.

  1. US President Donald Trump considered banning Huawei and ZTE products

The product is most appreciated MWC 2019: Huawei Mate X

Picture 12 of Summary and comment: The most at MWC 2019

It can be fun to say that when there is a book about the history of folded screen phones, perhaps Huawei Mate X will be one of the most important names. This device has changed the minds of hundreds, even thousands of people, from skepticism to believing that folding screen phones can really become the future of the smartphone world. This is also a device that shows that Huawei is a real manufacturer, and they can take the lead in design instead of just copying and repeating on previous boring products.

With the symbolic power of transformation and visualization - as a device that brings glory to the brand and an ambassador for Android's innovation - Huawei Mate X deserves the title of both the most important device , is the most impressive product of Mobile World Congress 2019.

Update 24 May 2019


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