Successfully developed bendable batteries like the backbone who open up new futures for technology devices

On February 1, researchers at Columbia University in New York, USA, announced that they had developed into a new battery park that could be comfortably bent by being designed to be a bone-like structure. live people.

On February 1, researchers at Columbia University in New York, USA, announced that they had developed into a new battery park that could be comfortably bent by being designed to be a bone-like structure. live people.

Accordingly, the researchers designed the battery, which is composed of softer components that will cover the outside, the inside of which is the hard components, the part responsible for storing the battery's energy.

Picture 1 of Successfully developed bendable batteries like the backbone who open up new futures for technology devices

The battery has the same structure as the human spine, making it flexible to bend.

According to research results, this new battery can hold an energy equivalent of 85% compared to conventional batteries. And researchers are still trying to improve this number in the future.

This battery also surprised many people because no matter how distorted it is, it maintains a stable voltage source and high energy density.

This achievement helps us get closer to the era of folding screen smartphones, while helping smart wearable devices improve both in quality and appearance, helping to bring new applications such as tracking information. show, display images or measure running speed when you exercise, .

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Update 24 May 2019


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