Speed up network and Internet access
The speed of network connection depends not only on the speed of the hardware. Windows is an operating system designed to work with a variety of hardware devices and network settings. With the abstract nature of an operating system, Windows cannot be optimized for anyone's hardware settings.
Depending on the type of network connection you have, you can adjust the connection to speed up Internet access as well as in your local area network (LAN). By 'intruding' into the System Registry and editing TCP / IP parameters, it is possible to adjust the values more accurately and increase Internet connectivity such as DSL and cable.
The sections in this article will show you the steps to speed up both intranet and Internet connection.
Speed up network processing
Does your computer fall into the slow state when entering the local network and connecting to other computers sharing data? One of the most common causes of this slowdown is a feature of Windows Explorer that seeks to schedule tasks on a remote machine. The consequences take a long time and this can slow down your network. The network access window may appear frozen for a long time because the system may be waiting for a response from the remote computer.
Although this may be a complicated issue, the solution is simple. Instead of waiting for the tasks scheduled remotely, tasks that are not useful for non-system administrators may be disabled.ADVER
To do that, you must go to System Registry, delete the reference for a key so that it will not load. The steps are as follows:
1, Open Registry Editor by clicking Start , select Run . Then type regedit , then click OK .
2, When Registry Editor is opened, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE function.
3, Next go to Software > Microsoft section .
4, Go to Windows and expand the branches in its internal menu
5, You will edit some main function files, so go to CurrentVersion .
6, Because this feature is a feature of Windows component still known as Explorer, go to the Explorer section.
7, Next you change some remote computer settings, go to RemoteComputer then NameSpace to display all the features that are enabled when you browse a remote computer.
8, In NameSpace you will see there are two components. One is "{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} " which is responsible for Explorer showing the printers shared on the remote control, "{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} " is responsible for for Explorer to display the tasks of remote control scheduling. This is one of the two components that you should delete. To delete you just right-click on its name then select Delete .
Tips :
If you do not use the observation of shared printers and are only really interested in shared files, you should consider deleting {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} . Removing this item also helps speed up your network .
Once you have deleted this item, you only need to reboot the machine and the changes made are effective immediately. Now your network will not be slowed down as much as before.
Disable unnecessary protocols
Speed up network and Internet access Picture 1 With each program installed is not necessary. Extensive programs take up a lot of space, extended protocols also waste network connection and can slow down the connection. By default, a number of different protocols have been installed on the computer to enable maximum compatibility with other computers on a network; Each of these protocols requires bandwidth for them to work. Meanwhile most users will not use too many such protocols.
In addition, the more protocols that are installed on the computer adapter to connect to the Internet, the more risks associated with security issues. One of the most common problems for bandwidth users is that they have the ' Client for Microsoft Networks networking ' protocol enabled in their connection. This protocol allows all neighbors to connect to other users' computers and view the files they share. With just that, you have absolutely enough reason to turn off extended protocols. When extended protocols are disabled you can also save some bandwidth usage.
See the protocols on your network adapter
Observing the protocols installed and activated on different network adapters is really easy just follow the steps below:
1, Right-click the My Network Places icon on the desktop or go to Start then select Properties. Another way is to go to Control Panel and click the Network Connections icon.
2, Next right-click the network adapter you want to see the network protocol and select Properties.
3, After doing this, a window will be displayed that lists a series of installed and activated protocols on your adapter as shown in Figure 11. The protocols have been installed but not Activation is indicated by having a checkmark selected in the checkbox.
Disable a specific protocol
Now that you have a list of installed and enabled protocols on the screen, disable a protocol. To disable a protocol, simply tick the checkbox to remove the previous one. Then click OK , then the protocol will take effect with your adapter.
We recommend that you disable all protocols except the TCP / IP protocol (also known as Internet protocol). That way, the adapter can be optimized, accelerated and security is better.
Speed up network and Internet access Picture 2
Be aware that if you remove the Client for Microsoft Networks protocol and the file sharing protocol, you will not be able to share the file. In addition, you will not be able to connect to the remote computer to view their shared files.
You should also note that if there are multiple adapters in your computer (such as a wireless adapter, wired adapter and dial-up modem), you will have to repeat the above instructions for each adapter.
Adjust the speed for Internet connection
Almost every computer user has different Internet connection conditions. Some people have high speed transmission, some have low speed. Some use cable-based connections, others are DSL. In addition, there are problems with the location of each computer, which is far away from the internal network switch, so the latency is large.
TCP / IP settings can be optimized to get the best speed for each solution. By default, Windows XP has 'suitable for all' method settings. With this method, users can adjust the settings to optimize the connection conditions. Make changes to the settings to achieve optimal data transmission, so your network connection will be efficient and high-speed.ADVERTISE
Along with some help from online tools and software, you can check your Internet connection and decide what to adjust. The process of adjusting this connection is not easy, but it is fully feasible.
Caution : Before making any changes, you must create System Restore system restore points to avoid any mistakes, you still have a backup .
The next step in this adjustment process is to collect all the necessary software. The main program you will use is called CableNut, which is a program developed by CableNut software and released for free at www.cablenut.com. CableNut is an ideal program that allows users to edit Internet settings easily. Go to the website above, download and install the latest copies.
Calculate settings for CableNut
Once CableNut has been downloaded, learn how to use this program. The first value you need to calculate is the network delay when enabled. To do this, use the trace router command in Windows XP. The following steps will guide you to get this value:
1, First, open the Command Prompt command window. To open this window, click Start , select Run , then type cmd in the text box, click OK .
2, When the command window appears, you are about to proceed to the next part. Because you need to check the connection when it is active, you need to find something large to download and run during the test, this process takes about 30 seconds. We recommend going to www.microsoft.com/downloads to find a large file like the .NET SDK framework , which is about 100,000 KBs. With this test, you want a file big enough to download during the entire test. If the connection is dial-up, you only need to use smaller files.
3, Once there is a file to download. Start the download process and switch to the command line window. In this window, type tracert www.tweakxp.com . During the test, you will see many times displayed in ms. After the checkout process has finished, take the highest time, as shown in Figure 12. This is the number that will be used for your network latency. You can then cancel the file you are downloading when the checkout process has ended.
Put the value of the delay into CableNut
So now that you have the value of the calculated delay, you will easily put this information on the online CableNut setup computer written by Joe Zeiler (one of the most gifted mods at support forums. Open TweakXP.com, open your browser and go to www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php (this URL is case sensitive), then follow the step-by-step instructions to add value to CableNut :
1. Once the site is open, the first part uses computer settings to select the connection type from the drop-down dialog box.
2. After that, you will have to do a small search to find the exact upload and download speeds you need for your Internet connection. Please contact your ISP and search for the correct value because this value is not widely promoted. Once you have the necessary values, make sure they are Kilobits per second rather than Kilobyte per second (KB = Kilobytes; Kb = Kilobits), then enter them into the corresponding sections on the Web page.
Speed up network and Internet access Picture 3
3. Enter the delay value you previously calculated into the Latency box on the web page and click the Calculate button.
4. After clicking on the Compute Settings button, drag down the scroll bar and you will see the calculated value. It's almost done now. Continue dragging the scroll bar until you see the button labeled CCS File Cenerato r under the Cablenut setting files section. Click that button and a new window will open with some content. Make sure you don't have any pop-up blockers when using calculations.
5. Use the mouse to select all the letters and numbers displayed in the pop-up window. Click the right mouse button and select Copy to copy the entire text on the page to the buffer.
6. Open Notepad from the Accessories section. Paste the copied content into a blank Notepad window by right-clicking on the white background and selecting Paste
7. When Notepad has displayed the information you just copied from the pop-up window, all you have to do is save the file as a CableNut format. To do this, click File , select Save As . Then in the Save As Type drop-down box, select All Files . Type myCableNutSettings.ccs in the File Name section. Set the location to save the specific file (such as saving to the Desktop for example) and click the Save button.
Now you have finished the calculation process to optimize the Internet connection. Isn't it too hard?
Use CableNut to adjust settings
So you've created the CableNut setup file or will be using the 56K setup file, you're ready to start using CableNut. Follow the steps below to enter the new optimization settings for your system:
1. Start the CableNut application by going to the Start menu, going to the CableNut folder and selecting the tuning application.
2. When CableNut is open, click File and select Open Custom Settings File . Select the location of the setup file you saved earlier or not, use that file on the instruction CD, call 56K_CableNut.ccs file and click the Open button.
3. Now you will see information dialog boxes for all the different parameters filled in with the specific connection information (as shown in Figure 13). The final step is to click Save to Registry and finish. After clicking the Save button, restarting, new settings will be made.
Speed up network and Internet access Picture 4
According to www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php some CableNut settings may cause some minor problems of DSL customization. If you have experienced network problems after optimizing connections, use System Restore to return to the last restore point. You may have to try to reset but leave the MaxNormLookupMemory, MaxFreeTcbs, MaxHashTableSize, and FastSendDatagramThreshhold fields blank before applying.
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