SpaceX missiles with a speed of 70km / s can catch up with interstellar asteroids

SpaceX's BFR missile carrier can be used to chase 'Oumuamua, a new interstellar asteroid that flies past Earth last month.

SpaceX's BFR missile carrier can be used to chase 'Oumuamua, a new interstellar asteroid that flies past Earth last month.

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'Oumuamua is the first interstellar asteroid to travel to the solar system. It is 400 meters long and is flying away from Earth at a speed of 93,600 km / h or 26 km / s. Currently, none of our spacecraft can reach this speed.

Picture 1 of SpaceX missiles with a speed of 70km / s can catch up with interstellar asteroids

But according to scientists in the Lyra project at the Keck Space Research Institute (KISS) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), in theory, BFR missiles are in the process of developing SpaceX. At speeds that can allow spacecraft to reach 70km / s, can help us catch up to 'Oumuamua.

Simulation of asteroids' Oumuamua.(Video: ESO.)

According to calculations, when launched in 2025, spacecraft can complete 85 AU, equivalent to 150 million km in 2039. Even if the spacecraft's speed drops to 40km / s, it still has can complete 155AU distance in 2051.

In addition to BFR, laser-powered micro-spacecraft like in the Breakthrough Starshot project can also carry out the mission 'Oumuamua. But it takes at least 20 years before that tiny spacecraft is ready to operate so it cannot meet the launch schedule for 2025.

The study was published in magazine.

See also: NASA will shoot asteroids close to Earth

Update 24 May 2019


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