Siri - new target of hackers

Siri is considered to be the outstanding and exclusive feature of iPhone 4S. However, according to new information on the Apple Insider website, this software will quickly be hacked to be applicable on other devices.

Siri is considered to be the outstanding and exclusive feature of iPhone 4S. However, according to new information on the Apple Insider website, this software will quickly be hacked to be applicable on other devices.

Siri is a privileged feature of mobile devices with dual-core A5 chips like Apple's iPhone 4S and iPad 2. However, since the iPhone 4S was announced, the hacker community has begun to seek to break this iPhone 4S monopoly.

Siri - new target of hackers Picture 1Siri - new target of hackers Picture 1

While trying to turn Siri into widely applicable software, hackers must answer the question: How can Siri work with Apple's servers without copyright issues; Whether Siri can operate on other devices with full voice recognition and radio functions like in iPhone 4S .

According to A pple Insider , a website specializing in Apple products, two hackers discovered Siri's secret. According to hacker Steve Troughton-Smith, to adjust Siri need to use a lot of code and change the file system. Troughton-Smith promised to reveal the secret when he found a way to tweak Siri without affecting any other part of the iOS operating system.

Hackers hope to turn Siri into a 'smart assistant' for users of all other smartphones. In the short term, they will focus on Apple products running on iOS operating systems such as iPhone 4 or iPod Touch.

In many respects, Siri is considered the outstanding feature of iPhone 4S. But it is not Apple's original application (ie not created and developed by this company). This means that Apple could not ' install ' the details so Siri could not be used on other mobile devices. Therefore, unlocking and developing Siri will be a very attractive challenge for hackers in the world.

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