Practice typing 10 fingers to speed up typing
Computer typing with 10 fingers is a great advantage for those who work in an office environment every day to contact computers and edit documents . Using 10 fingers will help typing faster, the speed of your work will be progressed faster than you would type each finger on the keyboard for a long time, lack of professionalism. Many people often think that it is difficult to hit the keyboard with 10 fingers. But don't be too pessimistic, take a look at the 10-finger typing exercise below, try to grasp this 10-finger typing technique to make sure you significantly improve your typing speed if you work hard on it.
1. Instructions on how to type 10 fingers quickly
Practice typing 10 fingers to speed up typing Picture 1
To hit 10 fingers on the keyboard, you must first know how to put your hands on the keyboard. With 10 fingers we will divide the fingers evenly across the keyboards like:
With the left hand : the little finger ( key A ), the ring finger ( S key ), the middle finger ( D key ), the index finger ( F key ).
With right hand : pinkie (key:) , ring finger ( L key ), middle finger ( K key ), index finger ( J key ).
The other two thumbs will put them in the Space key. And these two delicious tasks are only used to take turns hitting this keyboard.
2. Techniques to practice typing 10 fingers and each finger task
Practice typing 10 fingers to speed up typing Picture 2
With the left hand
- The index finger we will control keys such as R, F, V, 4, T, G, B, 5.
- With the middle finger, we control the keys: E, D, C, 3.
- Ring finger: W, S, X, 2.
- As for the little finger, we will use it to type the keys: Q, A, Z, 1, 'and the function keys like Tab, Caps lock, and Shift.
With the right hand
- The index finger controls the keys: H, Y, N, 6, 7, U, J, M.
- Middle finger: 8, I, K, <.
- Ring finger: 9, O, L,>.
- And pinkie: 0, P,:,?, ", [,], -, +,, Enter, Backspace.
In order to be able to type the keyboard with 10 fingers, we must first memorize the letters on the keyboard and the task of each keyboard name finger. To be able to remember, you should spend a lot of time to practice writing your favorite texts, poems or lyrics to keep accuracy while controlling your hands as well as spelling errors. Once you get used to it, you can speed up keyboard typing faster and improve the workload.
When typing is complete, the finger should move back to its original position. To avoid this finger "get in the way" the other finger.
Note that you should use Telex typing method to speed up Vietnamese typing instead of VNI style.
Refer to some more articles:
- A combination of commonly used shortcuts on Unikey
- Encoding of Vietnamese typing methods Telex, VNI and VIQR on UniKey
- Fix the error Unikey can't type Vietnamese
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