Original SKETCH filter group
Original SKETCH filter group Picture 1 The Sketch filter group is derived from the Adobe Gallery Effects collection. They symbolize a variety of artistic styles, similar to a hand-drawn image using limited color schemes. In most cases, the Background color selected in the toolbox becomes the main color in the image. This filter group tends to simplify the shapes in the image. The Sketch filter group often uses the logic of the Find Edges command or the Threshold command to work. They can only be applied to Grayscale or RGB images.
- Bas Relief -
Bas Relief giusp filter simplifies complex images and improves simple black-and-white images. This filter works beautifully when used on characters and is a lovely filter if you choose the right color for the image. Bas Relief creates a embossed effect on the image - as if it embossed the shape inside it. It uses Foreground color for the light area and Background color for the dark area. So if you choose too dark colors or unnatural values for dark areas, you will create an unclear image and make the image blurry. Bas Relief filters can produce good results at both ends of Smoothness and Detail scale. The settings in the example below create an image that looks like it is cast into the sand. However, you should try changing the Detail to the lowest value instead of the highest value. I'm pretty fake, but the effect is amazing.
- Charcoal -
Charcoal filter simulating coal drawings on paper. Using black and white, you can get a very convincing outline when choosing the right value for control settings. This filter simplifies complex images. It exploits areas of greatest contrast - different from Brush Strokes "border finder" filters. Charcoal filter is a stylized filter / best sketch.
- Chalk & Charcoal -
Chalk & Charcoal filters create effects painted with chalk. Chalk (chalk) uses Background and Charcoal colors (charcoal) using the Foreground color. This filter looks for contrast areas in the image. You can designate Chalk and Charcoal separately. Again, the color choice supports the success of the Charlk & Charcoal filter, white and black are the best two colors.
- Chrome -
Chrome filters can help improve simple and very good black-and-white images for characters. It transformed the image into Grayscale that seemed to be reflecting light - like a chrome coating. However, images become virtually unrecognizable at all set values. The best way to control this filter is to use it under an image (original or another reflective image) set in Color mode.
- Conté Crayon -
Conté Crayon filters can help simplify complex images without texture. It is best to use Conté Crayon in black and white or gray tones, as this filter always uses medium gray (mid - gray) for the color mixture - regardless of the other two colors you choose. With two black and white colors, this is a very attractive filter. Conté Crayon is ideal for images with contrasting areas - clear and dark.
- Graphic Pen -
The Graphic Pen filter simplifies complex images, and is suitable for text. It exerts the highest efficiency on images with a dark light range that varies markedly and is large enough to withstand "scratching" on it. The Graphic Pen filter exploits a snapshot as if it were an ink sketch in long tracks (or a short dot, depending on the setting). The filter uses only two colors that do not change in the middle. If you like the Conté Crayon filter's effect but want to use a different color than black and white, you can be satisfied with the Graphic Pen.
However, Graphic Pen is not suitable for processing graphics on web pages, although it uses less color unless your image is very simple and very contrasting, in small size, the filter completely lost details. On a large image intended to print at 150 lpi, the Graphic Pen filter creates great effects. The lines of the lines are as prominent as a strange black and white bitmap image. It is an effective support for the preparation of any engraving method of bitmap prints or by the method of scanning blinds.
- Halftone Pattern -
Halftone Pattern filter is an excellent half-tone image creation tool. It is possible to apply a half-tone pattern on an image - without converting the image to a bitmap. This allows you to maintain gray areas and still get a clear pattern. Circle Pattern is completely different from other half-tone algorithms because it creates half tones by drawing concentric circles on the image. For large-sized models, this filter becomes an important graphic tool. It allows you to view from a distance (or high resolution) where you can fully enjoy the effect that creates illusions at every angle. Indeed, the halftone pattern filter creates a two-level image if the contrast is set to the maximum value. If you don't select white and black, but choose a different color, you should choose a darker color as the Foreground color. unless you want a half-tone image like a negative.
- Note Paper -
Note Paper filter helps you simplify complex images and can also help improve simple black-and-white images. This filter makes a nice effect when used on characters.
- Photocopy -
The Photocopy filter looks for the region with the highest contrast in the picture and creates a binary image (duotone) from the main shapes found. It helps to simplify complex images and make beautiful effects when used on characters. Photocopy filters are quite suitable for processing images on the Web to print out, because it reduces about 6 colors in the image, but can still maintain enough details on the small image to see the original object. Photocopy is a very attractive and very useful image stylization filter.
- Plaster -
Plaster filters simplify complex images, and create a beautiful effect when used on characters. This filter is not only sensitive to Foreground colors and Background colors, but also considers their values in effects. The Foreground color is used for the main details of the image (but the area will be displayed in black if you apply the Threshold command). However, the filter then shines the enhancement part of the effect by blending the light and dark. If the Foreground color is bright, this effect is raised (almost similar to a negative image). If the Foreground color is dark, the same looks like it is concave.
- Reticulation -
Recticulation filters simplify complex images. Nature Recticulation is a gray tone Mezzotint filter that uses contour map to report results. In extreme settings (no maximum Density, black and white), the filter Recticulation exploits black and gray images (or any color) with little enhancement. This filter does not execute the Threshold command, so you will get more different areas than when using the Plaster filter.
- Stamp -
Stamp filters simplify complex images and create a nice effect when used on characters. This is a great help for Web images because it can maintain many details with very little color. Stamp filters are very much like photocopiers, but it can create two-color images during photocopying. The creation effect may be sharper or smoother than the Photocopy effect, because the Smoothness option determines the outline details and the number of borders found. High Smoothness values will remove most of the detail from the image, but leave curved shapes very curved.
- Torn Edges -
Torn Edges filters simplify complex images and improve simple black-and-white images. This filter has a nice effect when used for characters. The Torn Edges filter is closely related to the Plaster filter, except that instead of embossing, Torn Edges creates faded contours between bright and dark areas.
- Water Paper -
Water Paper filters can improve simple black-and-white images, creating a beautiful effect when used for text. Unlike many filters of the same type, it does not simplify the colors of the image into two tones. The Water Paper filter makes the image look like it is soaked in water and the paper fibers absorb ink. The control settings in the filter perform a balanced effect. If Contrast and Brightness are an extreme (highest or lowest). Fiber Length becomes a determinant of filter success. It needs to be maintained at the low range of the scale, otherwise the image will appear to be wet. If contract and brightness point to values in the middle range, Fiber Lengh can gradually increase its value and still give good results.
The following: Original STYLIZE filter group
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