RENDER filter group & SHARPEN
RENDER root filter group
Render filter group special effects with light. They add clouds, glare from lenses, and lighting effects. This type of filter has the strongest calculation intensity in Photoshop.
- Clouds -
Clouds is the only filter working in a completely transparent white layer. This filter replaces any image data that is present and does not take image data for calculation. You can use Clouds to create a cloudy environment, such as sky, smoke, fog. The best technique is to apply Clouds to a white layer, then put this layer into the image.
- Difference Clouds -
Clouds Difference Filter using Clouds and Foreground colors to apply Difference calculations for existing images. When the filter creates clouds, instead of seeing the cloud color, you only see the difference between cloud color and pixels in the image. That can give very nice results, but Difference Clouds is just a kind of special effect filter.
Note: This filter does not work with images in Lab mode
- Lens Flare -
The Lens Flare filter simulates the effect of the sun's rays on the camera lens when taking photos. That's the kind of "real effect" that you'll probably throw away the negatives if you do, but in digital you create this effect. In fact, the Lens Flare filter produces very neat and effective effects. You can keep this effect in a constant state by applying Lens Flare in a layer that is filled with neutral gray only and Blending mode is Overlay, Soft or Hard Light. That way you can control how Lens Flare works with the rest of the image.
- Lighting Effects -
Lighting Effects filter, along with Wave filter, is the most complex of the original Photoshop filter set. This filter allows you to change the lighting in the image, adding texture textures and embossing effects. Lighting Effects can simulate the effects of a light source or multiple light sources that affect the colors in the image. It is also used as a production filter to calibrate light or to edit complex images so they fit together. You can also use this filter to emboss the text on the image. Photoshop has a lot of pre-installed modes, but you can save and load your own lighting. This is the closest root filter. with a small application within the program.
- Texture Fill -
Texture Fill is a "support" filter for Lighting Effects filter. It opens a grayscale image (and only grayscale) saved in Photoshop format, using this file as a template and filling the image. The Texture Fill filter is designed to be used on a channel that will then become a channel containing the Lighting Effects filter texture.
Original filter group SHARPEN
Sharpen filter group is a type of production orientation that enhances the focus of the image to improve image quality and helps to handle the phenomenon of slightly deviating from the focus (blurry) that occurs when the image changes to a previous half when printing. The only filter you need to use is the Unsharp Mask filter.
- Sharpen -
Sharpen filter is a type of filter that applies insignificant sharpness, often difficult to see.
- Sharpen More -
The Sharpen More filter is only slightly stronger than the Sharpen filter.
- Sharpen Edges -
This is basically a useless filter in Sharpen's group. Sharpen Edges is a one-step filter for virtually invisible effects unless you can view each pixel separately.
- Unsharp Mask -
The Unsharp Mask is the pre-press type filter that makes the most sense in the original filter set. This production filter is used to replace the lost image focus when the image is scanned and sharpens the image before changing it to a half-tone image. Most images require sharpening two "loops". First, as soon as the image is scanned (or during scanning) to restore the missing focus, and the second is the blunt end of the color correction process before switching to the CMYK team. The degree of sharpening in the final step depends on the use of the resulting image. An image about to be turned into a half-toned image must be much sharper than the picture you will use to make a movie. Because smudging is not an inverse of sharpening, it is important not to sharpen it too much because you will no longer recognize your image. If you want to discuss how to properly use the Unsharp Mask filter, it may take a whole chapter.
Here we only give some general guidelines:
9.Plastic Wrap : make the picture painted on a plastic sheet and the rugged boxes, making the image appear three-dimensional, floating on the image.
+ Highlight Strength: 0-20 : reflect what is received (0: no reflection) from Filter Plastic Wrap.
+ Detail: 1-15 : decide which elements float on the image.
+ Smoothness : thickness of Plastic sheet.
10. Poster Edges : will create the image with its own color and add black details around the border.
+ Edge thickness: 0-10 : manage black around the edge of the image.
+ Intersity : managing the number of borders, (0: only managing the major dark areas)
+ Posterization: 0-6 : Managing areas will create Posterization.
0: will create the edges of a pretty big Poster
6: The image will create this little area.
11. Rough Pastele : acting on photos of pre-created Tenture models that enhance simple lines when used on the Tent.
+ Stroke length: 0-40
+ Stroke detail: 0-20 : Specifies the maximum level to create a brush stroke diagonally from corner to corner with multiple colors.
0: the diagonal will break the colors that remain the same.
+ Stroke detail: 1 (lengh: 40) dark color on the image moving along the horizontal line.
+ Tenture : creating a tenture base
+ Scaling: 100% ; 50% -200%; 100% original size.
+ Relief: 0-50 : affect the three-dimensional mode of the tenxture.
light Direction._ Top Right
12. Smudge stick : It is like using a cloth to wipe on the image to blur chalk or pencil strokes. When specifying a minimum the image will look blurry and dusty, the colors like mixing into other colors.
+ Stroke lingth: 1-10 : decide the length of the blur, small value creates more shadow area of the image.
+ Intensity 1-10 : Determining the level of observation for bright areas, the higher the value will make the brighter areas brighter.
13. Sponge : will perform like a sponge. Gently pat the image, it makes it look like paint streaks are waved evenly over the image.
+ 1-10 Brushsize : manage the width of sponge.
+ Pefinition 1-25 : Higher values create darker streaks than the original color on the image
+ Smoothness 1-15 : creating multiple strokes like contour, low value many broken strokes, great value reduce broken strokes.
14. Underpainting : create amazing images. Get a new picture of the paint still wet.
+ Create Brush Size: 0-40 : use big size
+ Tecture Converage: 0-40 : if the size-Converage Brush is low, the texture appears like a wave.
+ Relief: 1-50 :
15. Water color : will find simple shapes and colors, it will create a series of values for objects in a way that reduces colors from a single image to a drawing.
+ Brush Detail: 1-14 : duplicate the original image or just select and create the image as a drawing. Tri 14 holds many details.
+ Shadow Intensity: 1-10 , should indicate 1, complete black if indicated high.
The following part:SKETCH filter group
You should read it
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- Original SKETCH filter group
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