Newspaper hunt racing with formula racing, who belongs to victory?

The race between the safari, the fastest animal in the animal kingdom and the Formula E motor racing athlete (Formula E) took place in the remote strip race in the Western Cape Cape at the South Pole Africa.

The race between the safari, the fastest animal in the animal kingdom and the Formula E motor racing athlete (Formula E) took place in the remote strip race in the Western Cape Cape at the South Pole Africa.

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The hunting press with acceleration speeds of 100km / h in just 3 seconds flashed in front of the racing car in the first seconds of the race. But after that, the race car quickly caught up and eventually overtook the hunting newspaper.

The racing car defeated the hunting newspaper running entirely on electricity, with a maximum speed of 225 km / h, twice the fastest speed of the hunting leopard is 112 km / h. And the one controlling it is Jean-Eric Vergne, who just won the Montreal E-Prix.

Formula E organizers hope the video will make many people aware of the dangers that hunting newspapers as well as other wildlife species face as their habitat is narrowed and food sources disappear due to climate change, illegal trade as pets .

Picture 1 of Newspaper hunt racing with formula racing, who belongs to victory?

Currently, in the natural world only 7,000 hunting leopards are sparsely distributed. Hunting newspapers need a large space to survive so they are easily affected when the living environment is narrowed and interrupted.

See also: Fisherman Michael Phelps swim with white shark: Who wins?

Update 24 May 2019


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