Negotiation failed, Facebook does not broadcast online Premier League in Vietnam anymore?

Negotiations between Facebook and its partners to broadcast the Premier League - the most expensive football tournament on the planet, in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia in May 2018 and in Vietnam in June 2018 were failure.

According to Sport Business Media, talks between Facebook and its partners to broadcast the Premier League - the most expensive football tournament on the planet, in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia in May 2018 and in Vietnam in June 2018 failed.

Earlier, Facebook beat other rivals when it spent $ 264 million to own the exclusive Premier League broadcasting rights (EPL) with 1,140 matches for 3 seasons from 8/2019 - 8/2022 in 4 countries. Southeast Asia. To be able to broadcast online English Premier in Vietnam, Facebook is said to have spent 100 million USD, this number is 2.3 times higher than the amount K + spent to buy the exclusive EPL package for the 2016/2019 season. here 3 years.

Picture 1 of Negotiation failed, Facebook does not broadcast online Premier League in Vietnam anymore?

However, after 8 months of additional negotiations between lawyers on both sides, Facebook and partners could not agree on some issues. Due to the impasse, the two sides decided not to continue. Thus, the exclusive Premier League Facebook story will never happen, the tournament will have to look for other partners.

Update 24 May 2019


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