NASA announced its mission to fly directly to the Sun of a billion-dollar 'machine' in 2018

The plan to bring a probe near the Sun in 2018 has been published by NASA and the US Aerospace Agency at 11:00 am Eastern America (May 22, Hanoi) on May 31.

The plan to bring a probe near the Sun in 2018 was published by NASA and the US Aerospace Agency at 11:00 am Eastern America (May 22, Hanoi) on May 31 at the Center. William Eckhardt of the University of Chicago, according to NBC.

  1. Future prospects when people own the solar system
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Picture 1 of NASA announced its mission to fly directly to the Sun of a billion-dollar 'machine' in 2018

Parker Solar , an unmanned probe, is named after solar astrophysicist Eugene Parker, developed by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, going to the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere to Discover great secrets at the central star of the Solar System. It is expected that in July or August 2018, it will be launched on the Delta IV Heavy rocket, then spend seven years deep into orbit around the Sun.

Picture 2 of NASA announced its mission to fly directly to the Sun of a billion-dollar 'machine' in 2018

To do this, the ship will fly over Venus 7 times before reaching 5.9 million km around the Sun. This is the closest distance to the Sun, 8 times closer than any other spacecraft ever launched by humans, according to NASA.

The Sun is the star in the center of the Solar System, closest to Earth in the Milky Way. It accounts for about 99.86% of the mass of the solar system, with surface temperatures up to 5505 degrees Celsius and solar core temperature of about 15 million degrees Celsius. Therefore, approaching this star is not simple.

Picture 3 of NASA announced its mission to fly directly to the Sun of a billion-dollar 'machine' in 2018

Structure of the Sun.

The information that the spacecraft will help scientists exploit to better predict space weather, which greatly affects people and life on Earth as well as the impact on satellites and astronauts in the universe.

  1. Determine the structure and dynamics of the magnetic field of the solar wind.
  2. Explore plasma dust near the Sun and its effect on the solar wind.
  3. Monitor the flow of energy heating up the corona and speed up the solar wind.
  4. Identify mechanisms to accelerate and transport electric molecules.

Picture 4 of NASA announced its mission to fly directly to the Sun of a billion-dollar 'machine' in 2018

Structure and function of NASA Solar Solar probe, "billion-dollar" solar-powered machine.

Parker Solar costs about $ 1.2 billion to $ 1.4 billion, weighs nearly 600kg, is 1 meter wide, 3 meters high. It will be equipped with a 11.5 cm thick carbon shield, to help it withstand temperatures of up to 1,400 degrees Celsius during this historic mission. The probe uses solar energy and will travel at more than 690,000 km / h, meaning it can move from New York to Tokyo in less than a minute.

Update 24 May 2019


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