Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

This incredible thing is completely true in America, a house built entirely of newspaper and a special homemade glue that has been sustained, not rotting after 95 years.

This incredible thing is completely true in America, a house built entirely of newspaper and a special homemade glue that has been sustained, not rotting after 95 years.

This special 1-0-2 house is located on the street Pigeon Hill, in the town of Rockport in Massachusetts, USA built by mechanical engineer Elis Stenman in 1922.

At first glance, the paper house is nothing special compared to other normal houses with wooden frames, roof panels and floors. But when looking at the wall of the house, almost everyone was surprised. Elis Stenman completely uses old newspapers to make walls.

Picture 1 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

Mr. Stenman used hundreds of thousands of types of glue to bond them together into layers until he reached a thickness of about 2.5cm. To avoid the impact of the weather, Stenman covered a layer of varnish outside the walls.

Not only that, the entire interior of the house is also made of newspaper paper from tables and chairs, bookshelves, to curtains and watches. Only 2 exceptional objects are pianos and fireplaces made of bricks to avoid catching fire.

Picture 2 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

So what is the secret to making a house with a newspaper close to the century?

Elis Stenman created a kind of glue of his own, and that is the secret to creating sustainability for the house. Many people are startled when they know that the magic glue is made from extremely close ingredients to humans: a mixture of wheat, water and apple shells .

For 20 years devoted to building homes and interior designs, Stenmans has used about 100,000 newspapers collected from 48 states in 50 states in the United States.

Elis Stenman took 2 years to complete this unique home. He lived in this house until 1930. After Stenman's death, the house was converted into a museum for tourists visiting from 1942 and managed by his granddaughter.

Picture 3 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

A close up of a corner of the house.

Picture 4 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

Living room furniture is made from newspapers.

Picture 5 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

A wall of the house.

Picture 6 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

The unique nightlight is assembled from small scrolls.

Picture 7 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

Decorative motifs in the house.

Picture 8 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

The fireplace is also covered with newspapers around.

Picture 9 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

The piano.

Picture 10 of Marvel at the house with newspaper that has been around for nearly 100 years

The house attracts many visitors to visit.

  1. 26 "unbelievable" photos of micro-apartments in the world
  2. Startled with houses built on unbelievable terrain
Update 24 May 2019


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