The White House and the interesting mysteries surprised many people
The White House is the official workplace of the President - the most powerful person in America, and this is also his residence and his family. This building has a calendar of centuries and become the symbol of power of the head of the United States. And of course it also contains many interesting secrets that not everyone knows.
- The incredible truth about American presidents makes everyone surprised
1. How much is the White House worth?
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Based on the market situation, the importance, area, number of rooms of the house, the famous Zillow real estate page estimated, the White House value is about 287 million USD.
Located on 72,843 m2 of "golden" land in the center of Washington, the White House indoor area is more than 5,100 m2 including 132 rooms including 35 bathrooms, 16 bedrooms, 3 kitchens. In addition, the White House has a parking lot, an internal fireplace, a cooling system and a secret underground basement.
2. Need 570 liters of paint to whiten the entire mansion
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On October 13, 1792, the White House was officially constructed. Initially, the White House had the gray color of stones taken from Virginia and had many different names such as "Presidential Palace", "Presidential Palace" or "Executive Court".
It was not until 1901 that the building was bombed and damaged, so it was repaired. To paint the entire house, one must use up to 570 liters of white paint. And then, the late President Theodore Roosevelt officially named the mansion as the White House.
3. Garden for children
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In the South of the White House there is a small garden dedicated to children, children and grandchildren of presidents over different terms.
The garden is the farewell gift of former President Lyndon B. Johnson and his wife when preparing to end their term. It was built in 1968, above the stone plates with copper pieces printed with hands and feet of children who have lived in the White House for nearly 50 years.
4. The president must pay for food and drinks
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The president who pays the bills includes food costs, laundry costs, family activities at the end of each month. According to former general manager Harry Walters, who worked at the White House, all presidential families have complained about the high cost.
In addition, all wine served at every White House meal will only be used by American-made wines.
5. In the White House basement there is a convenience store
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Under the Northern Wing of the White House there is an area that includes shops, dental clinics, confectionery shops, office supplies, flower shops and even an entertainment area like bowling. Presidential family members will have to go to the basement if they want to see a dentist, necessities or food.
6. Using outdated technologies
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So far, the White House still uses outdated technology and has a long history of slow internet without Wi-Fi support, an old floppy disk, and black and white printers cannot print both sides and BlackBerry phones. old. Although sometimes they cause the President's work to be delayed but can limit access to devices, networks can cause vulnerabilities to cause information to be leaked and prevented by intrusion. of advanced hackers.
7. "Blue Goose" Platform
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One of the two platforms placed in the White House meeting room is called the Blue Goose. Blue Goose is only used when the President speaks at events with many attendees. It was designed with bulletproof materials, the height of the shape increased forward to ensure safety for the President. Before each speech, the staff will thoroughly examine the platform and attach a special logo of the president to it.
8. United States Government Hall
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This is a special meeting room and only the President can organize meetings here. The President's chair is 5cm taller than the rest of the seats, which represents the power of the head of the United States. In addition, when any incident occurs, the President can press a special button below his desk to call secret agents.
9. The President can organize a party
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As long as there are good reasons, the Presidents have the right to organize parties or organize holidays comfortably.
Historically, there were 17 lavish weddings held in the White House. In 1835, more than 10,000 people participated in a party of President Andrew Johnson at the White House. And in 1975, the graduation ceremony of Syuzan Ford's 38th daughter was also held here.
10. Secret postal code
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The President of the United States has a personal postal code, a private address so that people can write letters or send gifts to him. Of course, the letters must be inspected by security personnel and prove there is no danger before being transferred to the President's hands.
11. Museum in the White House
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In the White House, there is a museum that stores the works of art and gifts of the countries and people sent to the White House. The foundation to help protect the White House interior collection and preservation is supported by contributions to the White House Historical Society, a non-profit private organization founded by Jacqueline Kennedy, the wife of President John F. Kennedy in 1961.
Everyone can visit the museum on Tuesdays to Thursdays (7:30 - 11:30), Friday and Saturday (7:30 - 13:30).
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