Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 1 Part 1: Basic concepts
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 2 Part 2: Complete the script
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 3 Part 3: Understanding WMI
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 4 Part 4: Use Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 5 Part 5: Overcoming challenges
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 6 Part 6: The first steps for remote scripting
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 7 Part 7: Troubleshooting errors
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 8 Part 8: Remote script error handling with Network Monitor 3.0
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 9 Part 9: Understanding remote control scenarios
Mitch Tulloch
In the previous articles, we have been introduced to some concepts and issues around remote Windows scripting. In this section, I will continue the discussion by showing you two tricks related to this remote script using WMI script written in VBScript.
Tip 1: Create Cscript.exe, configure the default script on remote computers
This is the first trick and it's really simple but also quite clever so we need to have some basic knowledge to easily access. Make sure you know some ways to launch scripts on Windows computers. For example, if you have the ChangeIPAddress.vbs script on a computer, you can launch it by:
- Double-click the .vbs file or shortcut to the file.
- Click Start, then click Run, enter ChangeIPAddress.vbs and click OK.
- Open a command window and navigate to the script folder, enter ChangeIPAddress.vbs and then press ENTER.
What if you do these things, the answer depends on which default settings are set for the Windows Script Host (WSH) on your computer. The Windows Script Host (WSH) is a standalone scripting language used for scripting engines, which means that WSH uses VBScript scripting engine to run VBScript scripts, so WSH acts as an 'environment' within Your script runs. However, WSH actually has two default script configurations:
- Wscript.exe, provides a Windows dialog box for setting script properties and displaying script output.
- Cscript.exe, allows you to configure script properties and display script output from the command prompt.
See the difference between them in case you don't know or forget. We will use the ChangeIPAddress.vbs script from Part 2 of this series to demonstrate. Open a command prompt on your Windows Vista computer and use this script to change the computer's IP address to Now the first thing to note is that changing the network configuration settings that require local administrative standards on the machine, to do this we need to right-click the shortcut of the command window under Accessories and Select Run As Administrator. When you do, the User Account Control (UAC) window appears, click Continue to continue (if the first user account is a member of the local administrative group on the computer) or enter the relevant information. key of the local administrator account (if the account is only a member of the local user group on the machine).
Open the administrative and command level command window to change the address of the computer (Figure 1).
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 10
Figure 1: Change the IP address using the script
What happens when we press ENTER, when the button is pressed a few seconds later, the following dialog box appears (Figure 1).
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 11
Figure 2: The output of the script appears as a dialog box
Where did this announcement come from? Recall that our script Change IPAddress.vbs includes the following lines at the end of the script:
'Display kết quả hoặc mã lỗi
If errEnableStatic = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo "Adapter's IP address has been successfully changed to" & strAddress
Wscript.Echo "Changing the adapter's address was not successful. Error code" & errEnableStatic
End If
So what's happening is that the Wscript.Echo command is displaying the output (ie displaying a dialog box) instead of displaying the output inside the command window. The reason is because by default Wscript.exe has the default script configuration and this configuration is set for what it displays with the same window output.
Can we stop these behavior and get the script output to display inside the command window? One way to deal with this task is to call Cscript.exe configured with the command line script when running the script. You can do this like Figure 3 below:
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 12
Figure 3: Use cscript.exe to output the script output inside the command window
However, this may annoy you because you have to type cscript before you name the script the same way, so you can set Cscript.exe as a default script configuration for all WSH calls by executing. This (Figure 4):
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 13
Figure 4: Create cscript.exe for the default configuration
Now we can run the script and display its output from within the command window without having to type cscript first (Figure 5):
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 14
Figure 5: When Cscript.exe is configuring the default script, output
The script is displayed inside the command window
We have a scripting group like ChangeIPAddress.vbs that wants to run remotely by deploying them to destination machines such as logon scripts or starting scripts with Group Policy. In addition, some scripts have Wscript.Echo statements in them that create script output. What happens when one of those scripts is deployed to remote computers and running on the computer? A series of windows will appear on the user's desktop as the script runs on the computer, and users will have to click OK, OK and OK, . until these pop-up windows disappear and the script finish its work. So is there any way to overcome this phenomenon?
We can overcome this phenomenon in two ways. First, you can edit all scripts to delete or annotate the Wscript.Echo statement so that the script does not generate any output. That's a bit of a hindrance, especially if you have a large number of scripts. So what is the second method? Here is a little trick we want to share with you:
In the Active Directory environment in Group Policy that is being used to manage desktop computers, you can change the script configuration from Wscript.exe to Cscript.exe on computers in an OU using the steps below:
1. Use Notepad to create a text file called ChangeToCscript.bat with the following two lines in it:
@echo off
cscript // h: cscript // s
2. Open the GPO linked to the OU and navigate to Computer ConfigurationWindows SettingsScriptsStartup.
3. Double-click the Startup startup policy setting to open its properties page.
4. Click the Show Files button and copy / paste the file ChangeToCscript.bat from Windows Explorer to the SYSVOL subdirectory, where startup scripts are located.
5. Click the Add button on the properties page for the boot policy setting.
6. Click the Browse button and select ChangeToCscript.bat.
7. Close all property pages.
8. The addition of this startup script will cause the default script on target computers to be transferred from Wscript.exe to Cscript.exe during the next reboot of those computers, and this will work without regard to the target user as a standard user or a local administrator.
Note : ChangeToCscript.bat must be run as a startup script and not a login script. If you run it as a login script, it will only work when the target user is an administrator on the computer.
What can you do with only one file with two lines? Now you can deploy the scripts you want to target computers and not have to worry about users having a lot of pop-ups appearing on their screens.
Trick 2: Execute 'runAs' without the specified information
The second trick was submitted to us by one of the readers after reading the previous sections of this series. We are allowed to quote directly from his explanatory email:
FYI is how I implement 'runAs' without having to enter other important information, is to use the local administrator account for WMI, then save the admin password in a text file on a network Sharing is protected by NTFS permissions. For example, if 'tech1', 'tech4' and 'tech5' are normal domain accounts (not domain administrators), but these users are authorized to run WMI scripts, then I allow access updating these NTFS accounts to a text file, this text file includes a local admin password. Then there is the script to enter passwword and connect using Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:" & strComputer & "rootcimv2", strComputer & 'Administrator', strImportedPassword) .
The above is not 100% correct. I use.
Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject ("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
objSWbemLocator.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString ("SeSecurityPrivilege")
Set objWMIService = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer (strComputer, "rootcimv2", strComputer & "administrator", strPWD, "", "", & H80)
Set objReg = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer (strComputer, "rootdefault", strComputer & "administrator", strPWD, "", "", & H80)
Set oReg = objReg.Get ("StdRegProv")
. to complete the same thing.
Connecting to a local admin account has another interesting effect; it does not leave a copy of your domain administrator account profile on the computer in Documents and Settings. When I used my domain account, I had some users ask 'Why are you connected to my computer' and wondering what kind of snooping is going on. By using a local admin account, they do not recognize anyone who is connected (they are blocked from viewing security records).
With the log, in fact we have a different local administrator password pair used here; so the script enters a list and tries them one by one until successful or out of options.
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 15 Part 11: Other script tricks
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 16 Part 12: Properties of the WMI class
Managing Windows Networks with Scripts - Part 10: Tricks of remote control scripts Picture 17 Part 13: The script returns all values
You should read it
- Cscript command in Windows
- Managing Windows networks using Script - Part 13: The script returns all values
- Use Google applications more efficiently with Google Apps Script
- Input / Output in C ++
- How to save command line output to file on Windows, Mac and Linux
- How to Enable and Use Script Execution Policy in Windows PowerShell
- How to create and run a shell script in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Store the output of a Linux command to a file
- How to create and run a PowerShell script file on Windows 10
- 4 Google Script makes Google Sheets more powerful
- Managing Windows networks using Script - Part 9: Understanding remote scripting
- Load the Input / Output operator stack in C ++
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