Inventing a bactericidal blue dye helps keep Ebola doctors safe

Ebola became a global pandemic in 2014, 2015 with a death rate of up to a terrible number. And many medical professionals went to infectious areas to conduct emergency care, eradicating this disease. And many cases of these doctors are also infected with Ebola during treatment for people

Ebola became a global pandemic in 2014, 2015 with a death rate of up to a terrible number. And many medical professionals went to infectious areas to conduct emergency care, eradicating this disease. And many cases of these doctors are also infected with Ebola during treatment for patients.

Before, the Ebola doctors, when disinfecting clothes, shoes, and medical hats with a disinfectant disinfectant made of spray. After that, the items must be left for about 10 minutes before being used.

At the same time, the ability to dissolve, and work the drug on the surface of the device, the device is easy to evaporate, meaning that the bacteria is not completely eradicated in places where the drug is not covered, the colorless drug should not be received face with the naked eye. It is a disadvantage as well as an extreme danger when anti-Ebola doctors use this bactericidal spray.

Picture 1 of Inventing a bactericidal blue dye helps keep Ebola doctors safe
Photo source: Internet.

In this situation, a group of researchers from Columbia University created a new technology bactericidal according to biological bactericidal standard named Kinnos Highlight.

This drug is mixed with a new generation antibacterial solution. When spraying on clothes, shoes, hats, etc., the blue liquid will quickly penetrate, shoot out many small, spreading droplets of molecules, do not miss the osmotic area and print quickly on the surface, it will be clearly visible to the naked eye that the drug has been sprayed and absorbed in any area on the items, it needs to be sprayed.

Picture 2 of Inventing a bactericidal blue dye helps keep Ebola doctors safe
Photo source: Internet .

After that, Kinnos Highlight will quickly evaporate and become discolored in a short time and health professionals, doctors do not have to wait 10 minutes to use.

Picture 3 of Inventing a bactericidal blue dye helps keep Ebola doctors safe
Photo source: Internet.

And safe, stable, more effective bactericidal results than conventional antiseptic drugs have been found before.

Picture 4 of Inventing a bactericidal blue dye helps keep Ebola doctors safe
Photo source: Internet.

Currently Kinnos Highlight products are being censored by agencies such as MSF and International Health Corp and hopefully soon to be marketed in the near future.

Huynh Dung ( According to Engadget )

Update 24 May 2019


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