This is the most deadly disease in human history

The most dangerous, dangerous disease that people face is not the Ebola and H5N1 virus but malaria. The disease interferes with Genghis Khan's advance, killing Alexander the Great and Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun ... and killing half of the people who once lived on Earth.

The most dangerous, dangerous disease that people face is not the Ebola and H5N1 virus but malaria. The disease interferes with Genghis Khan's advance, killing Alexander the Great and Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun . and killing half of the people who once lived on Earth. It is malaria .

Malaria parasites cause disease in humans and spread through Anopheles mosquitoes from about 20 million years ago.

This is the most deadly disease in human history Picture 1This is the most deadly disease in human history Picture 1
Anopheles mosquito

This disease once obstructed the advance of Thanh Cat Tu Han , the king of the mighty Hungarian empire under the Mongol and Attila empires. It also infects many famous US presidents such as George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and John F Kennedy.

Even Alexander the Great and Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun had to die because of the disease.

Between 1900 and 1950, malaria estimates killed 100 million people. In 1946, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was established in the US primarily to prevent the disease.

The video below will help you better understand the dangers of this dreaded disease.

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