How to Stop Facebook From Targeting You With Ads?

Now, the popularity of Facebook has increased a lot over the years. Social media platforms that can be used on multiple devices; tablets, mobile phones and computers. But since the introduction of mid-roll ads on Facebook, it's no secret that the app's user experience has suffered.

Whichever tasks we plan to carry out online, whether visiting some of the trusted bitcoin gambling sites for playing our favorite casino games or searching through online shops to find our favorite gadgets and clothing items, we're exposed to potential data theft and abuse.

Similarly, logging onto Facebook to share our favorite music places us in a risky position of Facebook accessing our browsing history and using that data to target us with ads. If you have a Facebook account, you must have become overwhelmed with ads at some point. Luckily, we've composed an easy guide on things you can do to prevent being an ad target. Let's explore.

Picture 1 of How to Stop Facebook From Targeting You With Ads?

How to increase your online security to prevent Facebook from targeting you with ads?

Here are our top three tips on how to increase your internet safety and online security yourself to prevent Facebook from spamming and targeting you with ads:

1. Avoid becoming a Facebook-ad target by implementing regular data breach check-ups

A data breach is a 'leak' of your personal data like your browsing history, email, address, name, phone number, bank account information, etc., to a third party. Not all of this information needs to leak at once, but you can't control which data will leak when a data breach occurs. The third party taking advantage of your data is, in this case, Facebook. Unless your online security is impeccable, Facebook can access your browsing history and target you with ads based on your most common online searches. To prevent a data breach from taking place, check for data breaches regularly (at least once a month).

2. Mind what you share online and don't share too much

Like most other social platforms, Facebook will give you an option to keep some of your information locked and private for only you to see. However, you should know that whatever you decide to share online becomes public immediately. Therefore, to increase your internet security and online safety, don't share everything online and be careful what you share. Facebook can target you with ads somehow related to those shares and locations based on your most common shared posts, locations, and likes.

3. Look for a reputable Virtual Private Network and implement it

If you don't know how a Virtual Private Network works and why all large and small businesses invest in it, we're here to clear that up for you. Namely, a Virtual Private Network guards your data and protects it from data theft, data abuse, data breaches, and phishing attacks. By implementing this Virtual Private Network, you will block all third parties from stealing and abusing your info, including Facebook. If Facebook can't access your data, it can't target you with ads - simple as that!

Update 24 December 2021


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