How to set the time, the oil-free fryer temperature for each standard dish

Do you know how to set the time and temperature for each dish when using an oil-free fryer? The following article will guide you in detail so that the fried food is more delicious.

For those who have never prepared food with a non-oil fryer, they will not know how to set the specific time and temperature for each dish. So let's join to find out if each type of dish when fried with a fryer will not have time and temperature.


  1. Notes when setting the time and temperature for the fryer without oil
  2. The temperature and frying time of each dish with an oil-free fryer
    1. 1. Temperature and frying time for potatoes
    2. 2. Time and temperature of fried meats: beef, pork, thigh meat, chicken breast, .
    3. 3. Time and temperature of frying rolls, fish balls, chicken balls, beef balls, .

Notes when setting the time and temperature for the fryer without oil

In the process of preparing food with a frying pan, you should pay attention to the following basic issues:

  1. Fried food if chopped will take less time to fry than large-sized fried foods.
  2. The amount of fried food will need to be fried longer than the less food.
  3. Some fried foods need to be stirred or stirred with food to ensure even and better golden browning.

Picture 1 of How to set the time, the oil-free fryer temperature for each standard dish

The temperature and frying time of each dish with an oil-free fryer

1. Temperature and frying time for potatoes

Just fry 300g - 400g fresh potatoes / 1 batch to make sure that the fried potatoes are more browned and crispy.

The time of frying potatoes will depend on thin or thick slices. If the potatoes are thin, fry around 18-20 minutes, and if the potatoes are thick, the frying time will be longer, about 20-25 minutes. The temperature of frying potatoes at 200 degrees C is the best.

Picture 2 of How to set the time, the oil-free fryer temperature for each standard dish

Note: In the process of frying potatoes you should shake to turn the face for potatoes. So it will help the sweet potato crisp, the pieces of potatoes are cooked evenly, crispy, delicious and beautiful.

2. Time and temperature of fried meats: beef, pork, thigh meat, chicken breast, .

You should fry a maximum of 500g of meat. However, each type of meat will have different frying times, specifically:

  1. Beef, pork or hamburger, the frying time is about 10-15 minutes.
  2. Sausages have a frying time of about 13 - 15 minutes.
  3. Chicken breast should be fried for about 15-20 minutes.
  4. The thigh meat is usually thick, so it takes longer than 25-30 minutes.

For temperature, you need to set the temperature to 180 degrees Celsius for beef, pork, hamburger, ham or chicken breast.

Picture 3 of How to set the time, the oil-free fryer temperature for each standard dish

For fried foods you do not need to turn to food but just set the time, the temperature when the time is up can be taken out and enjoyed.

3. Time and temperature of frying rolls, fish balls, chicken balls, beef balls, .

These are popular snacks. You should fry the amount of food about 100g - 400g is the most optimal.

  1. For fish dishes or chicken pellets will need frying time about 6-10 minutes.
  2. For rolls like spring rolls, spring rolls, . need to fry a little longer from 8-10 minutes.

Picture 4 of How to set the time, the oil-free fryer temperature for each standard dish

The ideal temperature for frying patties, fish balls, chicken balls and beef balls is 200 ° C. For these snacks you need to shake the food regularly to make the dish evenly cooked.

So is just help you learn details about temperature and frying time of some popular or most fried dishes.

Wishing you make fried dishes with an oil-free fryer that is extremely delicious and nutritious for the whole family.

See more:

  1. Instructions for using a non-oil fryer to buy properly
  2. How to make fried spring rolls (spring rolls) with an oil-free fryer
  3. Buy fryer without oil what kind of good?

If you need a free consultation on how to choose a suitable oil-free fryer, you can contact by phone number in Hanoi: 024.3568.6969 or TP. Ho Chi Minh: 028.3833.3366 for the best support.

Update 24 May 2019


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