How to buy condoms is not afraid of these 5 experiences

Buying unsafe condoms is the common mentality of many people. Here are 5 tips to help you buy condoms without being afraid.

If you ask a question, are you afraid to buy a condom?I'm sure, 9/10 answers of readers of quantrimang will be shy, even afraid.So how to buy condoms without being afraid?The following article will tell you some great ways tobuy condoms without hesitation, hoping to help you.


  1. Experience buying unsuspecting condoms at the pharmacy
  2. How to buy condoms do not mind at the supermarket
  3. Go buy condoms without hesitation at the condom shop
  4. Buying condoms is not afraid of convenience stores
  5. Buy condoms without hesitation by ordering online

Experience buying unsuspecting condoms at the pharmacy

Perhaps, most beginners will immediately think of pharmacies to buy condoms.Although condom products here are not as diverse as professional condom shops, their advantages are very convenient, in many places, when it is needed, you can still ask.In order not to feel embarrassed, you can apply the following tips:

Picture 1 of How to buy condoms is not afraid of these 5 experiences

  1. Choose a pharmacy a bit away from your place to avoid familiarity with the salesperson.
  2. Choose empty hours for people to buy or go to drugstores that are empty.
  3. Choose pharmacies that sell with your gender to buy.Because sometimes, people of the same gender will be easy to exchange and consult to buy condoms.
  4. When buying, you can use slang words to name BCS products, or say the brand of that type, without mentioning the word 'condom', because experienced sellers will understand the product right away. what is that.For example, instead of saying 'Give me a box of condoms,' say 'Give me a box of raincoats' or 'Give me a box of Durex' .

How to buy condoms do not mind at the supermarket

Buying condoms at a supermarket is also an option for you when you need it without worrying about counterfeiting and counterfeiting.Although unlike professional condoms selling facilities, at least, you can be assured of the quality and origin of condoms when you buy at the supermarket.

Picture 2 of How to buy condoms is not afraid of these 5 experiences

However, when going to a supermarket to buy condoms, it is difficult to avoid being shy, because there are many eyes, especially when you pay.So, in order to lessen the fear, you can buy it with many other items for your family and put it in your basket.Thus, it will limit the attention of others.

Go buy condoms without hesitation at the condom shop

Condom shops are likened to a miniature world of condoms because there are a variety of categories, models and sizes for you to choose from.Moreover, here you can be thoughtful and more professional counselors to help you find the most suitable condom.

However, the problem is that most condom shops often print very big signs in front of them, such as' condom shop ',' condom shop ',' adult shop ',' condom su OK '. So everyone knows what you go in for.Not to mention meeting the staff you may be shy.

Picture 3 of How to buy condoms is not afraid of these 5 experiences

There is a way to help you less afraid to buy condoms at the shops that is to use a mask to exchange with sellers or stand outside the shop and call the hotline of the shop to ask them to bring out.In addition, you should find shop names not from condoms like 'OKMEN' or SHOPMEN '.to avoid being embarrassed when buying condoms here.

Buying condoms is not afraid of convenience stores

Convenience stores are also a reliable address you should choose when buying condoms.However, to ensure that you will be less afraid of sellers, you can apply as a way to buy at the BCS shop to buy.

Picture 4 of How to buy condoms is not afraid of these 5 experiences

In addition, you can choose to buy empty hours, or stores that are not available for customers will be less afraid.

Buy condoms without hesitation by ordering online

If all these ways still don't make you shy, think about ordering condoms online.Just need a smartphone or computer connected to the network, you can easily order and receive condoms right in your home without having to step to buy condoms outside.In fact, it will give you much more unexpected benefits than you think.

Picture 5 of How to buy condoms is not afraid of these 5 experiences

No one knows you buy BCS except you and the seller.You do not face the seller directly so don't be shy.You also save the effort.

Spoiled for time to read the information about the product and choose the most suitable and cheapest product.

It is possible to give a delivery address if you do not want to deliver to a house or work.

Instructions for buying condoms online:

Step 1: Go to google to findthe address to buy condoms safelyby finding the keyword 'shop selling reputable, quality condoms' or 'condom shop in Hanoi, HCMC' if you stay Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City '.

Picture 6 of How to buy condoms is not afraid of these 5 experiences

Step 2: Find out information about the shop and its reputation, and choose the best and most suitable condoms.

Step 3: Order online by clicking on the purchase button and follow the instructions.

Step 4: You can press the order button then fill in the product information, quantity, address, phone number and time you want the shipper to be present.

In addition, you can also call or text, zalo for sellers to order condoms.

Actually, buying condoms is quite simple right?Hopefully, with some of the above tips of quantrimang, you will have away to buy condoms that are not afraidor less afraid.Buying condoms is civilized.Be confident, you will get used to it many times!

Update 23 July 2019


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