Help you speed up Windows XP
1. Get the latest driver:
There is one reason why this problem is always mentioned in most of the answers about speeding up Windows XP. As the first step to be achieved, when you have the latest drivers means that Windows will better manage your hardware and avoid errors. During the process of using new drivers, you have speeded up Windows a lot. However, if there is no condition to update drivers for all hardware, try to find the driver for some hardware that is considered to be extremely necessary in the following order: Video card, Driver for Chipset in mainboard (also called FirmWare). But other hardware such as keyboards, mice, or USB devices do not need to be carried out regularly. They should only be replaced drivers when you have experience handling advanced hardware issues.
Trying to solve:
- You attach a USB device to the USB 2.0 port on your device . nothing happens. No phenomenon shows that Windows XP recognizes the hardware you just attached. You draw, attach again . useless. Disappointed, leave one side to continue to Device Manager to find out. You notice that Windows is slower, the image is jerky, the mouse moves slowly, shuts down longer . Finally what's happening? Although it is said to support USB 2.0 well, Windows XP still faces a lot of errors in the main management of the USB 2.0 ports on board. This may cause you to mistake the device you are having trouble with but it is actually because Windows did not work with its default driver for the USB 2.0 port. If you come across USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller Driver in the USB driver section, you certainly cannot use some HighSpeed USB 2.0 devices. The reason is because this driver does not work with some USB 2.0 of Intel mainboard. You should go to soon to find a fix or driver to fix this problem.
- Did you accidentally install drivers for the mouse or keyboard and now they are not working? Press F8 during the boot process to enter Safe Mode, reinstall the driver for them. Everything you need is calm. That's all.
2. Visual effects in communication between Windows and users:
- Don't think too much about the long name above. It's actually just a graphic effect in Windows XP. As a ghost on the Start Menu, dynamic windows, ghosting on the mouse pointer . All these settings give Windows a perfect look. But that perfection is not perfect. The more detailed the effect, the more effort the video card takes, causing the system to stagnate. If you are a user who requires speed and is not cumbersome, remove the default settings of Windows XP.
+ First, go to System Properties with Windows key + Pause / Break or in Control Panel / System or select Properties in the right-click menu of My Computer icon on the screen. Next, look up to find the Advanced tab, the Settings section of the Performance frame. A menu opens, you go to Visual Effects, check the box for "Adjust for best performance". It is done. You can also check for some effects yourself, no need to remove them all.
+ Meaning of effects
* Animated windows when minimizing and maximizing: Effects for Windows windows when closed or open
* Fade or Slide menus into view: Fade-fade or fade-out effects when the Menu appears (List)
* Fade or Slide Tooltips into view: The blur-fade or stop-stop effect when the Tooltip appears (instructions, help messages)
* Fade out menu menu items after clicking: Clear-fade effect when you close or execute a command in Menu
* Show shadows under menus: Shaded under the menu
* Show shadows under mouse pointer: The shadow below the mouse pointer
* Show translucent selection rectangle: Displays rectangular frames throughout when selecting symbols
* Show window content while dragging: Displays the window content when dragging
* Silde open combo boxes: Drop down slowly-stop for the drop-down list box
* Slide taskbar button: Glide-stop effect for windows displayed on Task bar
* Smooth edges of screen fonts: Sharpens the font
* Smoot-scroll list boxes: Sharpen the scroll bar of selected list boxes
* Use a background image for each type folder: Use wallpapers for folders, such as MP3, images, Text .
* Use common task in folders: Use the utility menu on the left for folders
* Shading use of icons labels on the desktop: Use shadow effects for the labels of the icons on the screen
* Use windows visual styles on windows and buttons: Interface effects for all windows, buttons . of windows
- Here listed all the optional features of setting up the visual effects of Windows XP, some should go away, and some of the background ones will keep up for the benefit of using Windows. Depending on each of us, there is a different choice. This is not harmful to the system.
+ Tips:
- Except to remove the visual effect, you should remove the icons on the screen, the part makes it easier to see and a part to reduce the power for the video card. If you don't use them, Silvery Hat Hacker recommends that you take the shortcuts of your drives to the Quick Lauch bar, on the screen, right-click Arrange Icons, uncheck "Show Desktop Icons." ". So the graphic work on the Desktop is greatly reduced. Enhance the processing of other CPU problems .
3. Close the applications that are taking up system resources
- A large number of professionally programmed software is available online. You accidentally download it and use it, but the longer you run, the slower the computer becomes . Windows starts up too slowly because you have to download the predefined software. Many reasons make your computer slow, but the main factor is still largely related to system resources. When you close down unnecessary applications, you release a large amount of CPU performance. So, in addition to installing the right driver, reducing the work for the video card, you must always pay attention to the CPU, the brain of the whole machine anymore.
- To clean up these programs, rooted, you have to visit the Registry and the StartUp folder and clean up all the miscellaneous keys and files. It sounds like a professional user. Don't worry, I recommend, if you're new, don't touch the Registry, but use Msconfig to edit it. From the Start Menu, RUN command, type msconfig.exe. An application will appear including 6 tags, that is:
+ General: select the boot type
* Normal StartUp: starts normally
* Diagnostics StartUP: only starts the computer with the necessary services and equipment. Do not call other applications
* Selective StartUP: Select the start-up component - Don't touch this if you don't know what you're doing.
2 buttons under Launch System Restore - restore the last backup and Expand file - recover some damaged file.
+ System Ini, Win Ini, Boot Ini: It's best to leave them alone.
+ Services: Services that run under Windows. This is one of the tasks that take up most system resources. We will return to this topic in the next topic
StartUP: Where the software will be called when Windows starts.
The core of this Part 3 focuses on this. You uncheck any programs that are not needed and click Ok or Apply, simply. However, choosing to remove 1 software is not easy. Do not hurry and give up. Some necessary services for certain software. Before deciding to remove a software, in that StartUP table, read the Location section below a bit. Learn carefully which link is linked to which file. Since then there is a clear basis for peace of mind to remove it. If the above trick still does not give you a benefit, try to find the file, right-click, select Properties, Version card. From here you can learn about the Manufacturer, version, the real name of the file.
- A little note, you should never remove any applications related to RUNDLL32. You may be able to destroy a Windows task.
- After you've removed the unnecessary stuff, you restart the computer and you're done. A bit difficult but in return the results are very worthy of the effort.
4. Remove services that do not need to:
- As mentioned in Part 3 - Services (services) is one of the new features of Windows XP to better support WinXP user groups such as wireless network support, SmartCard management . But if you don't belong to a professional user group, you don't need a professional service, right? It's time to turn off some of them. Under Control Panel to access Administrative Tools, look in the window you see many icons, find Services and click them. A new menu opens, taking care of each big step of this number . In this screen, some of the tasks you must know before passing are as follows:
- If you want to remove 1 service, double click on the line showing the service. New menu appears again. In the middle of your eye view, there is a text on the left that says Startup type. in the drop-down list box next to it, including 3 Disable options, Manual and the first one is Automatic. Disabling a service that leads to trouble later, you immediately return to this area, reopen the service to avoid more troubles. If you are still hesitant to know what services to close, what services to service.
Nguyen Quang Duy
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