Foods that are harmful to the brain, the sons should stay away

Upcoming exams, in addition to choosing nutritious foods for your children, you also need to remember to stay away from the following types because they can affect the mind.

The coming national high school exam, this is one of the important exams for most of the senior students. A door to decide the future of each person. That's why a lot of sons are worried about this exam. In addition to the intensive review for the exam, nutrition is also an integral part of the students at this time.

Eating not only affects one's weight, but sometimes it also affects the function of the brain. Therefore parents should learn and choose nutritious foods for their children to protect their health and brain.

The dishes below are extremely attractive, almost everyone likes, but are on the list of foods that reduce memory that you need to control.

1. Tofu

Picture 1 of Foods that are harmful to the brain, the sons should stay away

Tofu. Although tucked into the list of health-guaranteed foods with high protein content such as cheese, tofu still has some drawbacks if you use it a lot.

Experts say: The more you eat a lot of soy products every day, the higher your risk of memory loss, because it contains phytoestrogens in tofu that can affect brain function.

2. Foods high in sodium (salt)

Picture 2 of Foods that are harmful to the brain, the sons should stay away

Foods that are too salty or salty have a significant effect on blood pressure and are not beneficial to the heart. In addition to the above effects, there are studies that show that too much salt can affect cognitive function and reduce your ability to think. In other words, foods that are too salty will negatively affect your intelligence.

In addition, foods that are too salty and nicotine have been shown to be as addictive as drugs.

3. High-trans fat foods

Picture 3 of Foods that are harmful to the brain, the sons should stay away

Did you know that foods that are high in trans fats can cause cardiovascular and obesity hazards as well as raise cholesterol levels. One more dangerous thing is that they can also harm your brain, which causes the brain to work slowly, reduce the reflexes and the reaction quality of the typhoon. In addition, they increase the risk of stroke.

Trans fat can cause other bad effects on your brain if you consume them for a long time. These bad effects include a brain shrinkage, similar to the contraction caused by Alzheimer's disease. Brain shrinkage occurs because trans fat slowly damages the arteries, you can prevent these bad effects and reduce the risk of stroke by limiting your intake of trans fat.

4. Tuna

Picture 4 of Foods that are harmful to the brain, the sons should stay away

For those who practice sports, after each training session tuna is a food that provides the body with a very good amount of protein. But that doesn't mean this food is good for the brain.

According to an Intergrative Medicine study: People who eat more than three servings are fish that are high in the food chain - like tuna, grouper, snapper, bass, swordfish or shark - every week (or more than four parts a month) increases the risk of cognitive dysfunction. Culprit? Of course high mercury content.

5. Saturated fat

Picture 5 of Foods that are harmful to the brain, the sons should stay away

Consuming too much saturated fat can increase the risk of severe impairment of brain dopamine mesolimbic system - the part of the brain responsible for motivation and happiness, as well as having a role in mood disorders.

Update 24 May 2019


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