Fix the error of not running the .exe file on Windows

Not opening the .exe file or not running the .exe file will cause a lot of trouble when using the computer. Here are some ways to fix errors that cannot open .exe files, invite readers to refer.

When the system is infected, one of the most visible symptoms is that it cannot run executable files. Any virus or malware scanner you download will cause an error when trying to run it. You may receive a warning that the file is infected or cannot be opened. This happens by some malware (especially Bagle variants or TDSS rootkits) that block programs from installing and executing.

If you have tried to repair the .exe file in many ways and still do not work, you can refer to the following article of Network Administrator.

Ways to fix errors do not run, open * .exe file

  1. 1. Scan the computer for viruses
  2. 2. Rename the .exe file
  3. 3. Download error correction file does not open * .exe file
  4. 4. Edit regedit
    1. If you open Regedit.exe
    2. If you open Notepad.exe

1. Scan the computer for viruses

If the .exe file is downloaded intact, there is no error in the download process, but it cannot be opened, with many files, not a single file, moreover, the .exe file looks as faulty and the file * Any .exe is the same, think of viruses and malware immediately. If you still run anti-virus software, scan the device in full mode (Full scan). Virus scanning can only kill malware on your computer and cannot recover files that have been corrupted by them. Therefore, after scanning you will have to reinstall the software. To prevent this from happening again, install the antivirus software right away, at least turn on Windows Defender.

  1. 9 most effective antivirus software for Windows today

2. Rename the .exe file

As mentioned, malware and rootkits can block security programs from launching them, so when you download these tools you need to rename it before saving to the desktop.

Note: Changing the file name after downloading will not work because it can immediately be detected and prevented from renaming, even preventing the download of the file.

If you want to copy the software from the USB to the computer that is infected with the virus, remember to rename the software before plugging the USB into the computer.

In most cases ComboFix only needs to change the name for a while. However, some programs like malicious 'Antivirus', trojans are more advanced (such as 'Windows Police Pro') you will need to change the name of ComboFix to CF.bat before saving this file to your desktop. Make sure the option in ' Save as Type: ' is " All Files ."

There is also the case with MalwareBytes you have to rename the file twice:

1. Before downloading the file / before saving to your computer.
2. After installation is complete, go to the installation directory of the program, find the mbam.exe file and rename it.

You can also check the presence of the TDSS driver in the following way:

  1. Go to Control Panel.
  2. Select System > Hardware > Device Manager .
  3. On the View menu select " Show hidden Devices ".
  4. Click on " Non Plug and Play Drivers " to expand.
  5. Right-click TDSSserv.sys (if available) and select Properties > driver , click stop to disable it.
  6. If there is a need to restart the computer, select No.

You also need to disable other variants if you see: seneka *, gao *, UAC *, geyek *, ytasfw * . these are variants of rootkits that evolve over time.

Some variants of the antivirus program (such as SystemSecurity) named random numbers running from the Application Data folder (like 4283411.exe or 3251452.exe ) will monitor every program you try to download. When you try to open or run, they will be flagged as infected, and will also block all executable files, except important system files.

To bypass blocking, you can download the Process Explorer utility and rename it to svchost.exe or winlogon.exe (like the important file name of the system) and launch it. Then you can determine the position of SystemSecurity to find and destroy processes called random numbers. You can run Malwarebytes or ComboFix immediately afterwards.

3. Download error correction file does not open * .exe file

Download fix-exe-lnk.inf

You download this file to fix errors that cannot open the file * .exe, file named fix-exe-lnk.inf, right-click it select Install to reinstall. This file not only fixes open errors, cannot run * .exe, but also fixes other corrupted shortcuts in the registry.

Use Fix it

To fix this error, you can download and install Fix it to your computer and install it. After downloading, Fix it to your computer, the next step is to install. Click on the file you just downloaded, then the File Download dialog box will appear, click Run and follow the instructions on the screen.

Use RstAssociations

  1. Download and run RstAssociations (.scr version).
  2. Select Exe and click Restore.
  3. Restart your computer if required.

Note : RstAssociations is only compatible on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit).

Use Exefix_Vista.reg file (Windows XP only)

  1. Visit the website:
  2. Download the fix file EXE extension error.
  3. Extract files on the Desktop screen.
  4. Right-click the file Exefix_Vista.reg.
  5. Select Yes and select OK.

4. Edit regedit

This solution is offered by Microsoft but only applies to Windows 7 and Windows Vista. There are 2 options as follows

If you open Regedit.exe

  1. Enter regedit in the search bar
  2. Right-click the Regedit.exe file in the results list and select Run as administrator
  3. Find: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exe
  4. Select .exe, look to the right, right-click Default and select   Modify .
  5. Change Value data to exefile
  6. Search: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefile
  7. Select exefile ,   To the right, right-click Default > select Modify .
  8. Change the Value data to "% 1"% *(double quotes - percent - number 1 - double quotes - percent - asterisk)
  9. Search: KEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopen
  10. To choose  open , look to the right, right-click Default and select Modify .
  11. Change Value data to "% 1"% *
  12. Close the Registry Editor and restart the computer

If you open Notepad.exe

Step 1: Click Start> All Programs> Accessories> Notepad.

Step 2: Copy and paste the following command line into Notepad:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefile]



@=""%1" %*"







@=""%1" %*"





Step 3: Select Save As.

  1. Select the file format as All files .
  2. Name the file and add the extension .reg.

Step 4: Click Save .

Step 5: Close Notepad and then right-click the .reg file and select Merge .

Step 6: Click Yes then click OK.

Here are some ways to help you fix errors that cannot be opened or cannot run * .exe files on your computer, hopefully the article can help you.

Refer to some of the following articles:

  1. Restore lost File Explorer icons on Windows 10 Start Menu
  1. All problems with PST, Profile, Add-in . errors on Outlook and how to fix them
  1. Instructions for creating a PDF file from multiple image files on Windows

Good luck!

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