You can also check the presence of the TDSS driver in the following way:
You also need to disable other variants if you see: seneka *, gao *, UAC *, geyek *, ytasfw * . these are variants of rootkits that evolve over time.
Some variants of the antivirus program (such as SystemSecurity) named random numbers running from the Application Data folder (like 4283411.exe or 3251452.exe ) will monitor every program you try to download. When you try to open or run, they will be flagged as infected, and will also block all executable files, except important system files.
To bypass blocking, you can download the Process Explorer utility and rename it to svchost.exe or winlogon.exe (like the important file name of the system) and launch it. Then you can determine the position of SystemSecurity to find and destroy processes called random numbers. You can run Malwarebytes or ComboFix immediately afterwards.
Download fix-exe-lnk.inf
You download this file to fix errors that cannot open the file * .exe, file named fix-exe-lnk.inf, right-click it select Install to reinstall. This file not only fixes open errors, cannot run * .exe, but also fixes other corrupted shortcuts in the registry.
Use Fix it
To fix this error, you can download and install Fix it to your computer and install it. After downloading, Fix it to your computer, the next step is to install. Click on the file you just downloaded, then the File Download dialog box will appear, click Run and follow the instructions on the screen.
Use RstAssociations
Note : RstAssociations is only compatible on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit).
Use Exefix_Vista.reg file (Windows XP only)
This solution is offered by Microsoft but only applies to Windows 7 and Windows Vista. There are 2 options as follows
Step 1: Click Start> All Programs> Accessories> Notepad.
Step 2: Copy and paste the following command line into Notepad:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@=""%1" %*"
@=""%1" %*"
Step 3: Select Save As.
Step 4: Click Save .
Step 5: Close Notepad and then right-click the .reg file and select Merge .
Step 6: Click Yes then click OK.
Here are some ways to help you fix errors that cannot be opened or cannot run * .exe files on your computer, hopefully the article can help you.
Refer to some of the following articles:
Good luck!