Excel file is in Compatibility Mode, how to turn it off?
The Excel file is in Compatibility Mode and you don't know what the error is or how to fix it? TipsMake will help you learn about this case, please refer to it now!
While working with Excel, sometimes users will encounter some confusing situations and even 'sweat' because they don't know how to handle them. In particular, Excel files with Compatibility Mode are also one of the cases that 'makes it difficult' for users. No need to panic, TipsMake will immediately reveal how to fix this situation in the next section.
Excel file is in Compatibility Mode, how to turn it off? Picture 1
Learn in detail about the case of Excel files being in Compatibility Mode
Before getting to how to turn off Compatibility Mode in Excel 2019, 2016, 2013. or other versions. Admin would like to share a little about Compatibility Mode so you can better understand this situation.
What is Compatibility Mode in Excel?
If you see an Excel file with Compatibility Mode, don't worry, this is just the case when you are activating Excel's compatibility mode. Compatibility Mode, also known as compatibility mode, is a view that allows users to open and view Excel files created in older versions of Excel.
When a user opens Excel in compatibility mode, Excel displays the work window as it did in the version of Excel it was created in, even if you open the file in newer versions of Excel. As we know, Excel has many different versions. So Excel files created in older versions may not be compatible with newer versions and vice versa. Compatibility mode will help you fix this situation.
However, in Compatibility Mode there will be many limitations. Users may not be able to use all the features of newer versions of Excel. If you want to use it, you need to turn off compatibility mode.
Excel file is in Compatibility Mode, how to turn it off? Picture 3
How do I know if Excel is in compatibility mode?
Turn off Compatibility Mode in Excel 2010, 2013. is the trick you are looking for? But you don't know for sure whether your Excel file is activating this mode or not? The way to check is extremely simple as follows:
When opening your Excel file, users need to look at the top of the file. You will see the Compatibility Mode line if this mode is active (depicted image)
Excel file is in Compatibility Mode, how to turn it off? Picture 5
If you're still not sure, you can check > In the open Excel file, the user clicks the File tab > Select Info > If you see the Compatibility Mode button on this information page, it means the file is being opened in compatibility mode. .
Excel file is in Compatibility Mode, how to turn it off? Picture 7
Instructions to quickly turn off Compatibility Mode in Excel 2016
Note: You can apply how to turn off Compatibility Mode in Excel on another version. However, the interface as well as the names of the steps may be different depending on the version you are using.
Use Save As to clear compatibility mode in Excel
- Step 1: In the open Excel file running in compatibility mode, click on the File tab > Select Save As in the options on the left.
- Step 2: Select the location where you want to save the file as usual > In the Save as type frame, click on the arrow to display a list of saving formats > Now, users need to select Excel Workbook (* .xlsx) > Click Save to save.
Excel file is in Compatibility Mode, how to turn it off? Picture 9
- Step 3: So you can see, the copy is saved in the newer version. When you click open this copy, you will no longer see Compatibility Mode at the top. For example, in the image, the file above was saved with the old version of Excel 97 - 2003 and the newly saved copy is in the latest format.
Excel file is in Compatibility Mode, how to turn it off? Picture 11
Use the Convert option to exit Excel compatibility mode
- Step 1: Also in the open Excel file in compatibility mode, click the File tab > Select Info.
- Step 2: On the right side of the interface, find the line Compatibility Mode > Click on Convert.
Excel file is in Compatibility Mode, how to turn it off? Picture 13
- Step 3: A notification window will display, click OK > Continue, another window will appear indicating the conversion is complete, click Yes to complete this process.
Excel file is in Compatibility Mode, how to turn it off? Picture 15
The Excel file is in Compatibility Mode and the solution is not difficult, right? Hope you apply successfully!
You should read it
- What is Compatibility Mode in Microsoft Office?
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