Excavation of a 1,000-year-old King's tomb of the Mayan discovered strange things

While unearthing an ancient Mayan tomb from more than 1000 years ago at the site of El Perú-Waka, in the northern forest of Guatemala, archaeologists discovered a mask and bones covered in red. bizarre.

While unearthing an ancient Mayan tomb from more than 1000 years ago at the site of El Perú-Waka, in the northern forest of Guatemala, archaeologists discovered a mask and bones covered in red. bizarre.

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The El Perú-Waka site is once home to many pyramids, palaces, squares and houses of the ancient Mayan people.

Picture 1 of Excavation of a 1,000-year-old King's tomb of the Mayan discovered strange things

American and Guatemalan archaeologists have been excavating Waka since 2003. In the most recent search, they discovered the royal tomb that is believed to be the oldest here. In the tomb there are many burial offerings, buried in the 5th - 7th century AD.

David Freidel, professor of anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis, the deputy director of the excavation, said the tomb was similar to the old Saxon king buried in the Old Minister. This king's tomb makes the royal palace sacred in the Mayan Wak's reign.

Picture 2 of Excavation of a 1,000-year-old King's tomb of the Mayan discovered strange things

The Maya King's tomb was excavated by archaeologists.(Photo: National Geographic.)

Researchers believe that the tomb belongs to a king because the jade mask is painted red illustrating the Maya king like Maize with the forehead engraved symbol means 'yellow' and 'noble' in the language. Ancient Maya.

The tomb was opened at least once around 600 AD so that the next generation repainted the king's remains with red color from cinnabar.

Although there is no inscription in the grave revealing the king's identity, the researchers believe that it may be King Te Chan Ahk, a famous king of the Wak dynasty who ruled the early 4th century.

Update 24 May 2019


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