Discover the secret of handcuff magic tricks locked in closed containers

The classic magic escape from the sealed box is sinking in the river while limbs are tied by chains and cuffs always attract interest, curious to decode the audience. What secret lies behind this spectacular escape?

The classic magic escape from the sealed box is sinking in the river while limbs are tied by chains and cuffs always attract interest, curious to decode the audience. Let's find out which secrets are hidden behind this spectacular escape.

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Harry Houdini is the world-famous magician with supernatural escape skills at the end of the 19th and early 20th century. He always thrilled the audience to his heart as he watched the dangerous performances of me

Picture 1 of Discover the secret of handcuff magic tricks locked in closed containers

Famous magician Harry Houdini.

In 1912, in the East River of New York, Houdini performed a risky magic trick that could even be life-threatening. He was tied up, handcuffed and locked in a wooden box that was crucified, locked tightly by the iron chain. After that, the wooden box containing Houdini sank into the cold river in front of the crowd. About 150 seconds later, Houdini floated to the surface of the water, near the drop of the box in the amazement and joy of the witnesses.

Picture 2 of Discover the secret of handcuff magic tricks locked in closed containers

American science magazine had to claim that this was " one of the most memorable magic shows ever performed ".

Later, many magician re-performed this magic with very different variations but no one could make a strong impression like Houdini by the rudeness in the equipment at that time and leg real high.

What is the secret behind this "breathtaking" performance?

The magic escape from the underwater lock box succeeds or fails depending on two things: handcuffs and the box itself.

With the handcuffs, many people believe that the handcuffs must have some secret to help the handcuffs to be unlocked easily. But the truth is that Houdini has had to work very hard and is particularly gifted in breaking locks. Houdini was a great locksmith, with just a thin piece of metal or simply impacting a large enough force at a certain angle he could open all sorts of locks.

With special handcuffs that have only one key, Houdini performs a much simpler task of swapping it. He hid a fake key in his palm and exchanged it with the real key. Then in front of the audience he handed the key back to the assistant. With an experienced magician like him, what happens after that becomes very simple.

Picture 3 of Discover the secret of handcuff magic tricks locked in closed containers

And the wooden box used to lock Houdini must have a very special design.

First, the box with small holes helps Houdini to breathe while waiting for the assistants to close the lid with nails and chains. These holes also allow water to flow inside to make the box sink into the water.

In addition, an extremely important point is that one side of it is not nailed but fixed by a special hinge that can only be opened with a key from inside.

As soon as the box was closed, Houdini freed himself from handcuffs and other chains. After that, he would wait until he knew the box had completely sunk into the water and the audience could not see it before unlocking the box to escape, and slowly rose to the surface.

Picture 4 of Discover the secret of handcuff magic tricks locked in closed containers

It sounds pretty simple but in reality this magic show is very dangerous and has many risks. Even an experienced person like Houdini had nearly lost his life. It was the time Houdini left the box to the bottom of the river before opening the lid.

He had a hard time escaping because the collapsed box and the river mud prevented him from opening the lid. He escaped death within a short distance. After that, Houdini had to make sure that the lid of the box was opened before reaching the bottom.

This is an extremely dangerous magic show, so readers are NOT AUTHORIZED TO DO!

Update 24 May 2019


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