Step 2 :
To disable or disable extension - extensions, click on the extension name to see the About table. For example, to disable Turn Off the Lights, click Turn Off the Lights.
Disable or uninstall Edge browser extensions on Windows 10 Picture 2
Step 3 :
At the name of the extension, you'll see a button to turn it off or on. Your task is to move the button to OFF to disable the extension.
Disable or uninstall Edge browser extensions on Windows 10 Picture 3
To re-enable the open utility, simply switch the slider to ON and you're done.
Step 1 :
Open the Edge browser, then click the More icon and then click Extensions to see the extension panel - extension.
Disable or uninstall Edge browser extensions on Windows 10 Picture 4
Step 2 :
Click on the extension name - the extension you want to uninstall to see the About table. The About table displays the version number and the date of the installation of the extension.
Disable or uninstall Edge browser extensions on Windows 10 Picture 5
Step 3 :
Click the Uninstall button and then click OK if a confirmation dialog box appears to uninstall the extension.
Disable or uninstall Edge browser extensions on Windows 10 Picture 6
Disable or uninstall Edge browser extensions on Windows 10 Picture 7
Good luck!