Compress and decompress data to RAR, ZIP files on your computer using WinZip Picture 1
Step 3 : Compress data:
Select the file you want to compress -> Right click on that file -> A table appears, select Add to Zip file. or Add to.
Compress and decompress data to RAR, ZIP files on your computer using WinZip Picture 2
Wait for the compression process to complete and there will be a message detailing successful compression results -> turn off the board.
Compress and decompress data to RAR, ZIP files on your computer using WinZip Picture 3
Step 4 : Unzip the data file:
Select the file you want to extract -> Right click on the file -> A table appears and select Extract to., Extract to here ,.
Compress and decompress data to RAR, ZIP files on your computer using WinZip Picture 4
Wait for the decompression process to finish, you can click to access the folder.
So with the quite simple operations above, you can easily compress and decompress data files with WinZip software. Thanks to that, data files are minimized in size, making it easy for you to share them via the internet, etc. In addition, you can also compress data with 7 zip and many other software with the same function. on TipsMake