Carbon and wood combine together in an oddly curved bike

Carbon and wood combine with one of Ryan Cargo's curvy bikes.

Ryan Cargo used to live in Berlin, where he found that all bicycles here are basically the same. This motivates him to design something a little different - not necessarily lighter or aerodynamic than just being different. As you can see in the picture, you know how different it will be.

Ryan Cargo told us at the North American Handmade Bicycle Fair: "I really like the graceful, curvy shapes, and I made this bike."

Cargo had two bike works on display - a car complete with a frame made of carbon fiber, and a frame made of carbon fiber and wood. The second type of vehicle appeared first, and it consisted of three layers of plywood made up of two 3D printing molds, forming two sides of the composite frame. They are assembled together with an assembly tool, then everything is coated with a special carbon fiber to keep the chassis extremely stable.

Picture 1 of Carbon and wood combine together in an oddly curved bike

The complete bike is said to favor traditional steel frame material, and Ryan tells us that it is an extremely sturdy car.

Picture 2 of Carbon and wood combine together in an oddly curved bike

"I want all of these curves to be evident in the car's wooden material. If you try to squeeze a 3D surface, it looks very rigid, but if you leave it a bit natural and its shape. There are some differences, there will be a much more impressive design. "

This is Cargo's first breakthrough in making and designing funny bikes.

See more:

  1. Testing electronic bikes for the elderly
  2. The SOLOS smart bicycle glasses have just launched, causing fever
  3. Cosmo's bicycle helmet lights will warn others when you fall
Update 24 May 2019


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