Building the hair of the mysterious death of nine Soviet scientists

So far, nearly six decades have passed, but no solution has been found for the nine deaths of Soviet scientists on the Ural Mountains expedition in 1959.

So far, nearly six decades have passed, but no solution has been found for the nine deaths of Soviet scientists on the Ural Mountains expedition in 1959.

In 1959, a group of 10 scientists from the Ural Polytechnic Institute, now Ural National Technical University (Russia) decided to organize the climb of Kholat Syakhl mountain (local people called "Death Mountain". ) is 1,895m high, located north of the Ural Mountains to test the impact of altitude and extreme weather on the human body.

Picture 1 of Building the hair of the mysterious death of nine Soviet scientists

Igor Dyatlov, the leader of the expedition team.

On the morning of February 1, the expedition team was led by Igor Dyatlov, who began mountain climbing. They plan to try to climb to a mountain at 565m on the same day and camp overnight here. But on the way they encountered a snowstorm and were disoriented, so they strayed to a pass on the other side of Kholat. When he knew he was wrong, the leader Dyatlov ordered the whole group to camp overnight.

" If I could ask God for something, that would be the answer to the question of what really happened to my friends on that fateful night? ", Yury Yudin, the 10th member of the expedition. Danger, due to illness, returned several days after the departure of the trip. Yudin never suspected that it was the last time he saw his friends.

Under the plan, the group will return to Vizhai town on February 12, 1959 and from there Dyatlov will send a telegram to the school's Sports Club to announce that they arrived safely. But until February 15, there were still no signals sent. The school's teachers and volunteer students opened the search, but no results were found. On February 20, they had to rely on the help of the police force, the army along with aircraft and helicopters to participate in the search.

Picture 2 of Building the hair of the mysterious death of nine Soviet scientists
The torn tent of the climbing group.

On February 26, after nearly a week of searching in cold, harsh weather, rescuers reached the camp site of the expedition camp. They were surprised to see that the tents were shattered but there was no one except for the footprints of their feet. Following this trail, rescuers discovered the bodies of two victims wearing only underwear on people about 500 meters from the camp. Expanding the search, rescuers found three other bodies 300, 400 and 630m away from the camp.

Due to the harsh conditions, it took another 2 months to find the rescue team to find the remains of 4 remaining explorers located under 4m of snow at a hole about 1.5 km away from where they camped.

Picture 3 of Building the hair of the mysterious death of nine Soviet scientists
The corpse of one of the members of the expedition.

As soon as the first bodies were found, a large-scale investigation was conducted. The forensic examiner said the first five victims did not suffer any injuries, one of which had a minor injury in the head but that was not a fatal wound. The initial conclusion was that maybe five of these victims died from the sudden drop in body temperature.

However, when conducting forensic examinations with corpses found in May changed the look of investigators. According to the assessment, all four victims suffered a great force, equivalent to the weight of a truck, bumping into 3 of the 4 victims with many serious injuries, 1 in 4 victims broke their tongues . In addition to the wounds leading to instant death, their bodies did not detect scratches, bruises .

Picture 4 of Building the hair of the mysterious death of nine Soviet scientists

4 corpses discovered later are full of clothes but there are disordered costumes among the members, even, they have not yet buttoned up, pulled the strings . This shows that they wear costumes in a state of panic.

Another puzzling point is that all bodies that are found have an abnormal orange-colored skin and hair that turns ash-gray even though they have different skin and hair colors when alive. In particular, all bodies were identified as severe radiation.

The investigation was closed at the end of the month and the case was sent to the secret archive with many unanswered questions. Then the authorities banned the skiers and other adventurers from entering the area for the next three years, causing many to wonder and curiosity. Many independent investigations by scientists still take place later, but so far this accident is still a historical mystery.

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Update 24 May 2019


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