Bitcoin price today April 20: Slightly decreased trading around the 64,000 USD mark

Bitcoin price traded at 64,033.93 USD/BTC, down 0.7% in the past 24 hours.

According to Coindesk data, updated as of 2:30 p.m. on April 20, Bitcoin price traded at 64,033.93 USD/BTC, down 0.7% in the past 24 hours. The liquidity of the cryptocurrency with the largest market capitalization is at 81.04 billion USD, down 34.90% compared to April 19. Bitcoin's market capitalization reached 1,260 billion USD, accounting for 52.96% of the total capitalization of the cryptocurrency market.

Picture 1 of Bitcoin price today April 20: Slightly decreased trading around the 64,000 USD mark

Photo: Coin Desk

The total market capitalization recorded at 2:40 p.m. was 2,387.43 billion USD, down 0.05% compared to 24 hours ago.

It is known that ETH also tends to decrease slightly by 0.35%, trading at 3,059.33 USD/ETH. Meanwhile, a series of other cryptocurrencies have tended to recover in the past 24 hours. XRP and SOL - other popular cryptocurrencies - are on an upward trend.

At 2:37 p.m., among the 10 cryptocurrencies with the largest market capitalization, 6 were on an upward trend compared to the previous 24 hours. Meanwhile, TON is the coin with the largest downtrend at 10.76%.

Update 20 April 2024


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