Bill Gates is using Android, not Windows Mobile or iPhone, why?

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has revealed that he is using an Android phone. But why?

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has revealed that he is using Android phones but also subtly enhances the importance of cloud services that Microsoft provides in his daily life.

Bill shared with Fox News about this and the article also made comments in the context of Microsoft's position in 2017: 'The former manager confessed in the interview that he switched to Android phones and installed 'many Microsoft applications'. This will be a dangerous statement if you say in a few years before Microsoft is trying to create an OS to replace iOS and Android, but at this point, even Satya Nadella admits that he uses Android is not too bad for the Redmond giant's PR.

While Windows 10 Mobile continues to be supported by Microsoft and recently introduced devices, the focus is still on bringing mobile users, whether running the OS, to Microsoft's cloud through applications like Office365, Outlook, OneNote and To-Do. They try to create better services for all operating systems, instead of focusing on developing a separate mobile operating system.

Picture 1 of Bill Gates is using Android, not Windows Mobile or iPhone, why?

Bill Gates at the Gates Foundation's event

This view of Sataya Nadella allows Redmond to continue to sell its competitors' mobile phones. Instead, Microsoft moved to dominate the second step above the OS. It is managing personal data on the cloud no matter which device they use, whether Windows 10, macOS, iOS, Android or any OS, Microsoft has a solution for all.

Microsoft began selling Samsung Galaxy S8 phones in retail stores earlier this year and they come with applications like Office, OneDrive, Cortana and Outlook. Any Android phone supports these applications, but Microsoft's customized S8 shows that the company can continue to provide this feature to other Android devices in the future.

Although not really useful as a mobile OS Home, using Windows 10 on the desktop will give Microsoft Cloud a path they will be difficult to get from zero.

Using an iPhone or Android may mean using Apple or Google clouds, but those who choose to use Microsoft's cloud will be a more dynamic option, so as not to be dragged into the OS of the phone in use.

That is why Gates is comfortable sharing that he is in #TeamAndroid, Microsoft wants to move the battle from OS to Apps and user data.

Another reason why Gates does not use the iPhone may be due to the "rivalry" relationship between Gates and Steve Jobs. In the past, Gates banned the use of iPhones and iPods at home, but he admitted that Steve Jobs was a "genius" in an interview with Fox. Gates is still using Windows-based computers and doesn't switch over to the iPhone, despite praise for Steve Jobs.

Update 24 May 2019


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