Bad news: German cockroaches have evolved to become 'immortal', the chemical technology in hand

Researchers at Purdue University were surprised to find that German cockroaches are not only resistant to drugs, but they can also be transmitted to their descendants.

German cockroaches are strange cockroaches raging in many apartments in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and are becoming an obsession for many people. In addition to the disgusting and annoying look, these cockroaches also "recommend" more bacteria that can cause food poisoning including E. coli and salmonella. What these cockroaches release and their scattered body parts are likely to cause allergies or irritation to cause asthma attacks.

But the bad news about this frightening cockroach has not stopped when scientists recently confirmed that the speed of German cockroach evolution is so fast. According to a new study published in Nature in early June, the main reason for the adaptation of German cockroaches is that humans use poison to destroy them.

Picture 1 of Bad news: German cockroaches have evolved to become 'immortal', the chemical technology in hand

  1. 10 facts about dangerous and hard-to-destroy German cockroaches are raging in Vietnamese apartments

Researchers at Purdue University were surprised to find that German cockroaches are not only resistant to drugs, but they can also be transmitted to their descendants. This means that they can resist many types of cockroach killers that have never been exposed.

German cockroaches are developing their own resistance to many different classes of pesticides. This makes using chemicals to destroy them nearly impossible.

Picture 2 of Bad news: German cockroaches have evolved to become 'immortal', the chemical technology in hand
The types of baits and insecticides are no longer working on German cockroaches.

Researchers have used 3 types of cockroaches in many homes across the US for 6 months. The results prevented them from being surprised and frightened, most cockroaches still lived well, even increasing their 'population'. Results in areas where pesticides are used are worse than in other regions. This means that insecticides are counterproductive.

To deal with this dangerous German cockroach, the team advised people to keep clean, using cockroach traps or vacuum measures to eradicate the whole nest.

Update 06 July 2019


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