6 things to know about IoT security

IoT devices make our lives easier, but security holes are not.

The emergence of allkindsof connectionshas changed the way individual security and user / business interactions are partly due to the large amount of data and devices.Analyst McKinsy & Company estimates the IoT ecosystem will generate a value of about $ 6 trillion in 2025.

The success of IoT comes from the benefits that it brings to businesses and users and creates a solid foundation of security and data integrity.Jack Nichols, product manager at Genesys offers 6 ways to increase security, ensure a good user experience.

Determine the cost of 'embedded' security

As with all technologies, IoT security should consider embedding at every stage of the development process.Some organizations find it difficult to determine additional time and costs associated with security methods.Everyone wants to bring great features, but many people avoid mentioning the cost.If so, security is often thought of after all.

Enterprises should know that there are many ways to handle IoT security.More importantly, the user experience is what makes the difference between businesses, and loyal customers spend 300% more on the companies they trust.

Check, check and check again

A recent study showed that 80% of IoT applications are not tested / tested for security vulnerabilities, meaning they also leave a significant endpoint to make themselves vulnerable.When developing applications and IoT services, perform analysis, internal security checks and also from third parties.

Remember that getting security right into the product development cycle is much better than waiting for things to happen before resolving them.If you rush to market an unsafe IoT system, you may have to pay with customer trust.

Actively manage and operate IoT security remotely

Many IoT application developers depend on users installing security updates or configurations.Ideally, businesses should actively encourage security updates, security patches remotely as soon as possible.

Updates / patches should not change the user's initial configuration, security and / or privacy settings without notifying them.Automatic updates (with human intervention) will increase customer confidence and still give them the right to approve, authenticate, reject.

Picture 1 of 6 things to know about IoT security

Connecting everything brings benefits but also challenges with security

Encryption is a good friend

Encryption is also recommended for use in IoT Trust Framework.Let customers know you care about their privacy by ensuring that every website that supports the IoT service is encrypted on each session and from device to endpoint.

"The best current practice is HTTPS or HTTPS Strict Transport Security (HSTS), also known as AOSSL or Always On SSL. The device should have a backend device authentication mechanism and support application . "

Transparency issues

According to the recent IEEE IoT announcement, transparency regulations do not exclude IoT devices but understand that privacy issues on IoT systems are different and require transparency with three types of input data. :

  1. User data is collected / created
  2. Operation performed with that data
  3. The context around the collection, creation, processing, disclosure, storage of data

Usually, it is best to state data collection regulations and security, privacy, and support policies in a prominent place on the website.Specifies which features will not work if the user does not approve.

Perform instant analysis and minimize the amount of sensitive data that must be transmitted

A secondary product from connecting everything is valuable user data.In addition to securing them at the storage site, security issues exist when data is in transit.With IoT applications, when information moves from the device to the cloud to calculate and analyze, there is always a risk of interference.

The tendency to perform calculations at the end and only transmit command-like information will reduce the likelihood of leaking sensitive raw data.This is a type of edge analytics, although it is said to increase processing time in real time as well as machine learning and AI related activities, but reducing the possibility of user data leakage is a benefit.

See more:

  1. Internet of Things - opportunities and challenges for businesses
  2. How is it called 'smart device'?
  3. Edge Computing - The boundary of the Web
Update 24 May 2019


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