50 best boys should choose to set for 'little prince'

As soon as I reached my mother's womb, I was given a name. His name along the whole life. Naming a son can be a pride, a pride, a source of encouragement, and take every step you take.

  1. How to name the Son according to feng shui five elements

In the article in the article 1000 names or for you to choose to give your young daughter we have introduced to you the good names to choose for girls. To continue the above topic, in today's article we would like to introduce you to the 50 most meaningful and meaningful names for boys so you can choose for your child.

Each name when accompanied by a middle name will create a different meaning, bring luck or success, convenience or failure depends very much on the name of birth for the boy.

Picture 1 of 50 best boys should choose to set for 'little prince'

  1. Tan Phong : A strong feeling like a thousand winds. Jin can understand it as Quick, or "forward". There are also many people who believe that Tan Phong is always promoted, grace and ordained.
  2. Chang'an : It is the desire of parents to have a safe life, good luck and happiness thanks to their talents and virtues.
  3. Thien An : Baby is the grace of heaven for the family, the name of the baby contains the word Mind contained
    good kindness and deepness.
  4. Minh Anh : The English word is inherently clever, clever, and will be brighter when it comes to Ming
  5. Quoc Bao : For parents, babies are not only treasures but also hope that they will succeed, echoing everywhere.
  6. Duc Binh : Baby will have the virtue to calm people down
  7. Hung Cuong : Children always have strong and stable life
  8. Huu Dat : Baby will achieve all wishes in life
  9. Minh Duc : The word Duc is not only moral but also contains the word Tam, the virtue of light will help the child to be a good, good and loved person.
  10. Mr. Dung : Baby will always be a strong person, with a will to succeed
  11. Duc Duy : Duc Tam will always be shining throughout his life.
  12. Huy Hoang : Intelligent, intelligent and always influencing others.
  13. Manh Hung : Strong and fierce is what parents want in their children
  14. Phuc Hung : Family's virtue and family will always be flourished and flourished by children
  15. Gia Hưng : Baby will be the person who flourishes family and clan
  16. Gia Huy : Baby will be the one to honor the family and clan
  17. Quang Khai : Smart, bright and always achieve success in life
  18. Minh Khang : A name with the meaning of being healthy, bright, lucky for the baby
  19. Gia Khanh : Baby is always the joy and pride of the family
  20. Science : The name with the belief in your child's talent, education and academic background in the future.
  21. Minh Khoi : Beautiful, handsome, beautiful
  22. Trung Kiên : Your baby will always be strong, determined, and polite
  23. Tuan Kiet : Baby is both beautiful and talented
  24. Phuc Lam : Baby is a great blessing in family, clan
  25. Bao Long : Baby like a precious dragon of parents, is the pride in the future with great success
  26. Minh Minh : Smart, brilliant, outstanding talent
  27. Ngoc Minh : Baby is the shining jewel of parents and family
  28. Huu Nghia : Baby is always a man who behaves generously, rightly
  29. Khoi Nguyen : Beautiful, bright, firm, calm
  30. Thien Nhan : Expressing immense heart, charity, loving people
  31. Tan Phat : Children will achieve success, money and fame
  32. Chan Phong : Chan is thunder, Phong is wind, Chan Phong is a symbol of the strong and fierce need of a general and leader.
  33. Truong Phuc : The virtue of the family will endure
  34. Minh Quan : Baby will be a wise leader in the future
  35. Minh Quang : Bright, smart, brilliant like a baby's map
  36. Thai Son : Firm, sure, both in terms of fame and fortune
  37. Duc Tai : Both virtue and talent are things that every parent wants in her
  38. Hữu Tâm : The mind is the heart, also the heart. Baby will be a person with a good heart, tolerance
  39. Duc Thang : Cai Duc will help your child overcome everything to achieve success
  40. Chi Thanh : The name has both will and persistence
  41. Huu Thien : The name brings goodness and goodness to children and everyone around them
  42. Phuc Thinh : The virtue of the family, the family is getting better and better
  43. Duc Toan : Tu Duc is perfect, speaking of a moral and assisting person
  44. Wisdom : There is excellent intelligence, insight
  45. Quoc Trung : There is immense patriotism, compassion and generosity.
  46. Xuan Truong : Spring with new vitality will last
  47. Mr. Tuan : Beautiful, smart, elegant are what you are looking forward to in that kid
  48. Thanh Tung : There is solidity, righteousness, uprightness.
  49. Kien Van : Baby is a person with knowledge, will and insight
  50. Quang Vinh : Successful, honorable family and clan.

Picture 2 of 50 best boys should choose to set for 'little prince'

Have fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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